"No, no, no," He shakes his head firmly. "I guess I'm worried that you are going to think differently of me when you see my house. You know, money and stuff..."

"Oh." I say. He looks down blushing. "baby, I don't care about that," My arms wrap themselves around his shoulders again. "Yes it is a part of your life and it always will be, but it's not the part I care about." He arms find their way around my waist again, his forearms pressed into my lower back. "I care about you, I like you. I couldn't give two shits about how much money you have and how you choose to use it."

I say the last part giving him a cheeky smile. That he returns, giggling. We kiss again.

"Your place or my place?" I asks against his lips. A bright smile covers his face.

"Mine," He answers pecking my lips again. "Paul can drop us off and then pick up the boys when they want to head out."

"Okay," I can't stop smiling.

"Okay," He says. We both giggle again and kiss one last time.

We sort out out clothes and fix our hair before walking back out into the bar. We get a few looks thrown our way as we walk over to the lads. I try not to think about them. The lads are all smirking at us as we approach the table.

"Louis and I are going to head out." Harry says.

Niall wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Liam and Zayn, who are all over each other, are giving us knowing looks. And is that a love bite on Zayn's neck?

"Harry you're bright red mate," Liam laughs.

"Your lips look a little swollen," Zayn adds.

"Hey Zayn?" I ask smirking. "Is that a love bite?"

Both Zayn and Liam turn beet red, causing the rest of us to laugh.

"We'll be off then," Harry says laughter dying down.

"Bye," Niall waves. "We'll see you again, right?" I nod.

"Don't make him to loud we need his voice tomorrow in the studio." Zayn says loudly, earning us a few glances.

"Right back at you," I say, sending them a wink. Both Liam and Zayn are bright red again, and Niall is laughing hysterically.

Leaving the bar we are instantly met with a bunch of flashing lights. I guess they found out we were here. Paul guides us through the paparazzi and I try to ignore their questions.

"Why where you at the studio this morning?"

"What was it like to meet all the boys?"

"Why did you go to Modest Management Offices?"

"Where are you and Harry going?"

"Why are you the only ones leaving?"

The flashing lights are kind of hard to deal with but Harry is making me feel safe. Even though Paul is the body guard, Harry makes me feel more safe, more at peace. We slide in the car and he wraps an arm around me when the door closes.

"You alright?" He asks, his tone concerned.

He looks so cute when he is worried. He always looks cute, and some how hot at the same time. But when he is concerned it adds to the level of adorable.

I nod, inwardly cooing. I kiss his cheek, and a dimple appears when I pull away. When I see it I hear Harry giggle and I pepper more kisses on his cheek.

"You are so cute." I say when I can no longer contain my fond.

Harry pulls my face to his by the back of my neck. Giving me a passionate kiss that I gladly return.

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