The wait for the doctor to return goes just as slowly as expected, the room is filled with small talk that I just want to be over. I love all these people in the room; however, they are being awkward around me and I am not interacting with them as I only have one thing on my mind, Mae. As if the doctor was reading my mind there is a knock at the door. We all stand up from the uncomfortable chairs and wait for the doctor to come in. He tells us that Mae's surgery is over and that it has gone well, he explains that it is less overwhelming when a patient only sees one person after a surgery as they are still sleepy and not with it. I put my head to the floor selfishly knowing that Lindsey will be the one to see her first. Lindsey walks past me and stops, she places her hand on my shoulder "You go" She says with tears in her eyes, "she needs you first" she continues whilst pulling me into her arms, I hug her back tightly and thank her quietly. I follow the doctor as he walks through the corridor, my security team has arrived now and one of the men is following closely behind us just in case anything was to happen. He directs me to her and instructs me not to make any sudden or large movements and no loud noises. As in the car accident she had hit her head, thankfully no brain damage was created. I see her in the white bed with tubes coming out her arm and hand. I take a deep breath and head into the room. I walk closer to her, her eyes are closed and her skin has red marks on it form where the glass had shattered and fallen onto her, as the doctor had told us earlier. I slowly take her hand and rub my fingers gently across her palm. I pull a chair closer to her and take a seat, not letting go of her hand. Her eyes are still closed yet I see her chest moving up and down which eases the pain which I have in mine. After a few minutes of silence her eyes begin to flutter open, before I jump to my feet the doctor's words echo back to me of creating no sudden movements. I stay in my seat and wait for her eyes to open properly. "Mae, it's Hugo, I'm here" I say with my hand still in hers.

"Hugo?" She says with her eyelids still fluttering. I stand up slowly so she can see me clearer. "I'm here baby" I say with my hand working its way slowly up her arm. Her eyes blink more consistently and she looks at me and smiles. Just her smiling alone makes me giggle like a school boy. I bend over the bed and place a kiss lightly on her forehead. "You're safe now" I say before I pull away from her forehead. The doctor then makes his way back into the room. "Miss Pample, are you ready to see your family?" He says kindly. I look to Mae and she nods while continuing to smile. Shortly after the doctor leaves the room Lindsey, Lilly and Tommy arrive. Lindsey rushes over to the bed and I step back giving her access to Mae. "Oh, honey thank God you're okay, what would I have done if I had lost you?" Her mum says whilst gripping Mae's hand and crying. I place a hand on Lindsey's back to comfort her. Tommy then makes his way to the other side of Mae's hospital bed. And smiles at her, "I've been thinking of a joke or insult about your driving but I think it's too soon" Tommy says to lighten the mood, which I am glad about because Mae attempts to laugh before her eyes seal in pain. Her mother gently runs her hand up and down her arm to comfort her. Lilly is stood at the foot of the bed and waves at Mae "Hey, even this blue gown suits you, there isn't much you can't do" She says with a smile, she is right. "Apart from drive" Tommy says from across the bed. "Thomas Pample, this Is not the time to make jokes your sister could have died" Lindsey says angrily across the bed. This makes my heart sink at the thought of Mae being out of my life, I think selfishly how I couldn't live without her.

We all here a knock on the door and the doctor enters, he smiles at us all, myself and Lindsey move from the side of the bed to let the doctor get access to Mae. He asks her a few questions now that she is more responsive, Mae replies to all of them positively which, makes me proud. "The surgery went well, however I have some bad news" The doctor says, my body begins to tense up again wondering what this could be. I look around the room and I matched with 3 expressions that look the same as mine on Lindsey, Tommy and Lilly's face. "You have lost the baby" The doctor says. "What?" I say loudly. "What baby?" I ask confused, "She wasn't pregnant" I look at the doctor then back at Mae who is now trying to hold back her tears. "What is going on?" I look around the room and Lindsey beings to cry along with Lilly and Tommy has his head to the ground. No one is questioning what this crazy doctor had just said. "Am I missing something?" I ask angrily. The doctor backs away and remains silent. "Mae, answer me, were you pregnant?" I look into Mae's eyes and her tears become more visible. "Calm down Hugo, she's been through a lot" Lilly says as she moves towards me. "Hugo I can explain" Mae says whilst sobbing trying to prop herself up more. "go on then" I say harshly. Tommy walks over to me "Don't talk to her like that you asshole, she doesn't need this now" Tommy says whilst pushing me. "Don't touch me!" I shout back at him. Tommy pushes me harder into the wall. "Stop it! Enough. Tommy get out!" Lindsey yells. Lilly escorted Tommy out of the room, whilst Tommy's eyes don't leave mine. "And you, watch your mouth" Lindsey points at me "Mae was 4 weeks pregnant and she was afraid to tell you, so start acting like a man because now I see why she was afraid" Lindsey says to me bitterly. Her words hit at my chest and bounce of every bone in my body. How was Mae pregnant, why didn't she tell me. We just lost our baby; Mae had just lost her child. I turn to face Mae who Is now crying and looks pale. "I'm so sorry" She whispers while lowering her head. I quickly move closer to her and use my fingers to gently lift her head for her eyes to look at me. 

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