chapter one

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I chuckled to myself as I watched some teenager follow some girl like a pathetic lost puppy around the bar. Some people never fail to amuse me. I nudge my working partner Calum and nod towards the boy and he chuckles. Watching all the drunks stumble around and do things they would surely be ashamed of in the morning (that is if they remember) was how we passed time working here.

"Hey, I'm out now. You need help with anything before I leave?" Calum states as he sets a glass down under the counter and grabs his jacket.

"No. I'm good. See you tomorrow."

"Bye." Calum waved as he exited through the back door into the cold night.

I now have one more hour of this and nobody to talk to now that Calum was gone. Some new guy was meant to be starting today but he was meant to be here an hour ago for me to give him a tour of how everything works around here.

I groaned and rested my elbows on the bar's bench and my eyes became droopy.

There was a slam on the table and I jumped at the sudden sound. Then, as a reflex I threw a punch in front of me. I felt an immediate contact with something and a wave of pain was felt in my hand.

"Motherfucker!" I heard a deep voice yell.

I focussed on who I just punched but there was nobody standing or seated down in front of me. I frown in confusion and look around, then looking over the bench I notice a boy laying on the floor, a hand clutched around his nose.

I curse under my breath and jump on top of the bench then quickly make my way down to the boy's side. He is groaning in pain and there is blood all over his hand and face.

"You know, you really shouldn't scare someone that is half asleep." I shrug and gently pull his shoulder so he is sitting up.

"Well sorry I just came to get some drinks I didn't expect to get my nose broken!" The boy exclaims.

I then see the familiarity between him and the pathetic boy chasing that girl around before and decide it's him.

I try to hold back a laugh. "It wouldn't be broken, I didn't even hit that hard. Come on," I pat his shoulder. "Sit up and I'll get you some ice for that. And a free drink." I add as I pull him to his feet and set him down on the stool he was sitting in before.

He whimpers as he continuously prods his nose and attempts not to bleed everywhere. I roll my eyes and grab a plastic bag and a handful of ice. "Here you go." I hand him the bag. "Put this over your nose." He finally stops prodding his nose and grips the bag with his bloody hand.

"Oh." I place a finger up to tell him i'll be back in a minute as I scurry off to get him a tissue for his bleeding nose.

Once I get back with the box of tissues he still hasn't held the bag of ice to his nose yet. He slowly moves the bag towards his nose but once it makes the slightest contact he whines and pulls it away.

I sigh and grab his hand as I place the ice bag on his nose with the slightest pressure.

"Ow!" He yells and tries to pull his hand away but I keep a tight grip so he doesn't move. He scrunches his eyes shut as if to shut out the pain.

"Shhh." I scold and hold the bag there for a few more seconds. After about ten seconds he slowly opens his eyes and lets out a breath.

"Doesn't hurt as much now does it?" I smirk.

"I still think it's broken." He pouts.

I roll my eyes. "Keep the pressure on your nose." I say as I grab his hand and place it where mine was.

The bar || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now