Chapter Eleven.

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Chapter Eleven. 

            Another two weeks have gone by with Jonah and honestly I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my entire life. No boy has ever given me flowers as much as he does or gives me the amount of attention and appreciation that he does and never in my life did I ever think I’d be fully respected by a guy but Jonah was different from the rest. He was the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and as we were lying together on my bed in the dorm, his arm wrapped around me and my head right on his chest, I couldn’t picture anything better.

            “You wanna watch something on TV babe?” He asked. “I think American Horror Story is on. Ten, right?”
            As much fun as that sounded, I’d much rather do something else with him and I know he wants to as well he just doesn’t want to be a jerk and make a move on me. Going three weeks without sex was driving me crazy and Jonah was way too good looking for me to control myself so I began to kiss up his chest and moved my kisses to his neck, his breathing picking up speed as his hands pulled me on top of him.

            “Reina.” He groaned, tilting his head to the side. “Are you sure?”

            “More than sure.”

            My hands moved to the band of his sweats and I tugged them down so he was only in his briefs as his hands pulled off my tank top so it landed on the floor. His body was gorgeous and when his shirt was on the ground as well all you could see were his abs that just literally freaking glowed right in front of me like some sort of Greek god. He was gorgeous beyond belief.

            “You’re so sexy…” I giggled, planting little kisses down his chest.

            His eyes were focused on my breasts in the push up bra but I’m not really surprised because he’s a typical guy. Fooling around with Jonah so far was better than expected and when his hands went into my underwear I let out a moan.

            “I can’t wait to-“

            The door opened and in walked Casey, her hands immediately covering her face when she saw the two of us. Shit, I totally forgot her late class got canceled.

            “Seriously?” She spat. “God Reina.”

            Jonah started to laugh and gently bent down to pick up his sweats as I did the same and gave him a look as if to say, we’ll continue this another time.

            “Sorry Casey. Reina and I didn’t think you’d be back so soon.”

            “Just get out Jonah.”

            “What the hell? He said he was sorry Casey.”

            “Yeah well he’s got a lot more to be sorry about. Get out Jonah.”

            I was so beyond confused right now but to my surprise Jonah didn’t try to stay he just nodded his head and slipped his shirt back on, pausing a minute to look at Casey with some sort of a pleading look. She was furious and yes, Casey gets upset at me a lot, but never like this. I’ve never seen her so mad in my entire life before.

            “Would you like me to tell her Jonah or will you get the balls up to say it?”

            “What the hell are you talking about Casey? Oh my god. Don’t even begin to tell me you’re on Justin’s side for his stupid accusation.”

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