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Want to represent your home city/town/village? (headcannons are welcome in next chapter:)):

• Be a soldier/guard

You wanna know how that works? You try to get them on your side verbally:)
Or just get them to be frendos with us!

People in this group: StatehumansConny(Esti), WeWantAnswers(Ghosty), thatbeercorona(Corona), ViginiaYes(Ollie)

Want to spread the word?:

• Be a collector of new members! (unlimited amount available)

People in this group:

Want to stan by the leader of this cult? Deputy leader:

• Best city, town or village human headcannon gets that spot! (Only allowed 2 people).

If ya get this spot, then you basically have the right to add or remove anyone (with a good reason) and suggest what should happen in the next chapter (if we got o war with another cult, if we make friends with that cult and other stuff.)

People in this group:

Just wanna suggest cities, towns or villages and stuff to do with it?:

• Then be a 'Basic Member.' (Don't worry, I treat all of you equally:3)

People in this group: Japan-sanUwU(Kat)

Wanna be a custom role?

Comment here! I will be glad to hear you suggestions on ranks or jobs, or even your own!

Statehuman_Nashville(Siren)- Sand Guardian

Squeaky_Geeky(Bagpipes)- Theme Song Player

I will be adding your job or rank title next to your nicknames:)

CityHumans CultWhere stories live. Discover now