Sign ups!

275 13 74

Sign up here you gorgeous peice of crap (you need a nickname, roles coming up soon!):

-thatbeercorona (Corona)- (also first person to sign up because that is very important)

-DettolApprovesOfThis (founder of this cult but heavily inspired by VirginiaYes)

-WeWantAnswers (Ghosty)

-VirginiaYes (Ollie)

-theexoticbutters (Jynx)

-StatehumansConny (Esti)

-TheTrioAndFerndale (Dani)

- missippi-_- (missi)

-Cityhuman_Nashville (Siren)

-Squeaky_Geeky (Bagpipes)

-wee_bunny (HailPotatoes)

-XxAppleCowzxX (Appl)

-Japan-sanUwU (Kat)

-LeaveMeAlonw (THE KAZOO)

Number of members: 12 (so far)

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