Chapter 8

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30 minutes later...

Mike comes back with the food. " Hey! you guys started the movie without me!" He says as he starts setting up the food. "sorry Mikey boy, these 2 babies wanted to watch Bambi." Richie pointed to Eddie and Bill and laughed. " Hey! i'm not a baby!" Eddie says crossing his arms. " mhm , sure you're not." Richie replied whilst hugging him from behind. Stan rolled his eyes and said, " well Bill is a baby." This caused Bill to turn around and face Stan looking mad. " I am n-not a baby Stanny !" He stuttered. Richie started to burst out laughing which made Eddie jump. " St-STANNY!!!" He said still laughing. " Yeah? what's so bad with that Tozier?" Stan said , turning to face the boy who was laughing.  " What sort of nickname is that!?" Richie replies. " do you call Bill , Billy boo or something?"

"shut up Trashmouth , you're the one to talk. ' Oh Eds , come kiss me ! ', " Stan imitates Richie. " 'ooh Eddie my love ! I love you so much!' " Stan and Bill laugh.

Eddie is just shocked whereas Richie is blushing. He shuts up and looks back at the movie , ignoring anyone and anything.

Stan and Bill laugh a little  before going back to watch the movie.

"uhm so if you guys have finished arguing , I have got all the food ready if you want some?" Mike says.

Eddie gets up straight away and goes to the food, Richie follows. " thank god! I could eat just about anything!" Eddie says. " Anything...?" Richie looks at him smirking. " yeah anything dipshit, I just said I'm starving ." He says while filling his plate up with food. Richie rolls his eyes. " not what I meant Eds!" He laughs a little. "well what did you me-" Eddie blushes and look down. "oh" he then says. " yeah, oh" Richie laughed again.

"you guys are gross!" Bev said in disgust . "oh yeah Bev? for all you know, we could've been talking about strawberries and milk. Shaking my head miss Marsh , you should really clean your mind." Richie replied, shaking his head and sitting down to finish watching the movie.

"come on Richie we all know you weren't talking about strawberries." Beverly said, sitting down.  " uhm Bev? would you mind if we changed the topic? I don't really want to be talking about what Richie and Eddie get up to when they are by themselves." Ben laughed nervously. "sorry Ben ." She said and smiled.

"change the subject ? sure ! how about some good news? ok so my mom has left my dad and she said I can come back home!!!" Richie said happily. " Holy shit Rich! that's amazing!" Eddie says and hugs him. "you're not gonna leave me though are you?" He asks. " why would I leave you Eds ?I lo--- love your mom to much!"Richie said and laughed nervously. Eddie rolled his eyes completely oblivious to the fact that Richie almost just said that he loved him. " beep beep asshole!" Eddie crossed his arms. "anyways I'm happy for you" he smiles.

"does your mom know that you guys are dating?" Stan asks. " not yet , but I do plan on telling her soon. My mom isn't homophobic like my dad is , so hopefully she'll be supportive !" Richie says. " I l-love your m-mom Rich, she's so nice and she doesn't ignore m-me like mine does. S-shes like my s-second mom" Bill smiles. Richie laughs and starts eating. "I don't think I can tell my mom yet, she'll freak out and say that I'm 'sick'." Eddie rolls his eyes."yeah I feel you Eddie , my dad would get so mad at me."Stan says. "well you guys always have me! im like the mom of the group so yall can come to me for anything." Bev smiles. "t-thanks mom" Bill laughs and eats.

after they finished eating .

"so quarry anyone?" Mike asks. Everyone nods in agreement. " at 5pm? good idea lets go!" Richie laughs and stands up . "I can't tell if you are joking or not?" Eddie says as he gets up. "was I joking when I said I loved your mom?" He jokes. Eddie rolls his eyes. "hey come on Eds it was just a joke!" he hugs him from behind. Eddie pushes him off. "no i'm done with your stupid jokes! we are over!"

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