Part 2: First Love Ritus pov

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Back in high shcool I was 15 and sometimes after last period I would go to the schools library, but the only real resaon why I went to the library every day was to see Saga , Masamune senpai. I never believed in love at first sight until the moment saw him.Just a glance of him made me feel even closer to him. The first I time when I checked out one of him books he had read before me and saw my name under his I felt warm in side, but Even if I did feel happy I knewn it was a creepy thing to do. I truely was a stalker but I just could'nt help it because I just loved him to much.

I have been stalking him for the past 4 years now and I have'nt even said a word to him I kept all my feelings locked away in my heart.I want to just walk up to him and say "I love you senpai." but he does'nt even know I know him name. I walk up to one of the book self's to grab one of the books off of the book self ! I can't reach it. suddenly I see an arm reaching for the book as I look back to see whom it was that grabed the book from the top self .Then found my self standing in front of Saga ."here." he puts the book in my hand and stared at me for a moment.when I saw him up close I felt.I felt my heart beating like crazy. I felt my cheeks get all hot when he looked at me.I was going to say thank you but instad i said "I love you Saga " the one thing i didn't want say. I thought he would laugh at me but instad he said " I don't mind going out with you." I felt a rush of releaf and a spark of love as he asked me . "yes i will go out with you saga." but before I could think he was joking around with me I felt the most embarassed than i even had before.

saga senpai invited me to stay over at his house i feel like this is a dream I'am walking with saga. once we got to the door he said "im home sorata" he picks up a tiny little kitten i had seen him pick up on a cold rainy day. "im going to make some tea for us,my room is up stairs on the right" I walk up to his room "wow book evey were" suddenly senpai came in with to glasses of tea in his hand "here." "t-thank you" there was a moment of silence before saga ask " why do you like so much, you don't even know me " "I know something like that cat. he seemed shocked when I explained to him about the cat and stuff. " i have been seen next to the shoujo manga " "sorry !" he then asks "are you stalking me?" i feel so embarassed that all i could say was "I'm sorry i just like you to much that i just can't controll my self when i'm around you." he suddenly leans over to kiss me but for some reason i push him away the reason was i did't know how to kiss."... I wanna kiss you with my tongue... Why are you lips shut?" he ask "uh...nothing sorr-" Takano starts to talk over me saying "listen i know how much you like me" he starts unbottoning my shirt "w-what are you doing" he kisss me agin but then stops "don't shut your lips so tight" then gives me another kiss

that night he said my name in such love for me.why does my chest feel so tight ?

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