(Y/N's) diary entry four

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Dear Diary,

Practice kind of went better. I made progress, and I am doing better. I think I might be getting more confident. I also love doing my costume adjustment job; it is fun and intriguing. I get to help adjust costumes, help with designs, and help make them. I am happy with my job, but there is this overwhelming feeling of gloom over this place. Maybe it is because of all of the ghost rumors, I know that the main one is hogwash, but there is a feeling of a presence in the opera house. I think they watch me; I feel like someone is at least. Maybe it is the same person who wrote the note to me. I do not know.

Well, another fascinating thing other than my suspicions is that I made a new friend. Her name is Christine Daae; she is a dancer and singer; she is a pleasant person so far. We met while I was adjusting one of her costumes. I explained my situation, and she was sympathetic. She offered to give me some tips and advice. I like hanging out with her; I think I finally found a friend in the workplace (other than phantom). I am feeling a bit more confident, and I started to smile more and get used to how things work around here. I have been humming as well; it has been helping me get a bit of dance practice while I am in my room. Things are looking up, and I think everything will get better over time.


(A/N): Hi guys ! Bella here! Sorry if this is a bit of a boring post, in my rough draft I had a straight up skip to a massive plot point of the book. And It didn't make sense, so I wanted to put some exposition, also I didn't exactly had a situation where (Y/n) and Christine met, so I thought this was perfect. I might have maybe another diary situation that is just exposition before the massive plot point, I'm still debating about it. If you want you all can leave suggestions in the comments for what you think. Thank you all for voting and reading! It seriously means the world to me. See ya in the next update.


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