What parents name their kid 'London'?

"Sounds like you have some good friends... What about FP?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, how is he?"

"Who is FP?"

"Your dad?"

"No? My dad's name is Kurt. I don't know what you're talking about"

"What?" Archie froze "I... I don't think that I understand"

"I don't know who that FP guy is or what he told you but he surely is not my father"

"Uhm... uhm, excuse me for a second. I need to use the restroom" Archie said, getting up. As soon as the door closed, he got out his phone before calling FP. Jughead didn't necessarily know what he was talking about but FP would know. FP knew the truth and he had some explaining to do because after four years, Jughead tells him that FP wasn't his real father.

"Archie? Everything alright?"

"Are you Jughead's biological father?" FP paused.

"Why do you ask?"

"Are you or are you not?" He sighed softly.

"I'm not. Why do you ask?"

"Because Jughead just told me that his father is called Kurt"

"Archie... I... I don't know if I should tell you this, so when Jughead remembers, don't bring it up, okay?" Archie hummed "I found Jughead about four years ago. He was in a bad place and I met him in pure coincidence. I offered him to come with me, get sober and then I gave him a new life. He didn't tell me much about his past either — or talked at all for that matter, not once he was sober. He did some things at that place though, that's what he did tell me, while he was getting sober. He didn't tell me what happened exactly but there were things going on at his family and at school, that's why he ran away. He didn't want others to question it and I took a liking to him too. I wanted him to stay, so I gave him a new identity. Gladys had moved to Toledo years ago, so I just told your dad that he was my son, freshly from Toledo"

"So all of it was a lie and his real name is Cody?"

"I'm afraid so, Archie"

"Three years of dating and he never told me..."

"Archie, you can't expect him too"

"He forgot to tell me about a whole other life of his"

"No, that's not how it is. His childhood, however, wasn't the best. I would like to forget it all too if I was him"

"Well, now he forgot the other part of his life, I don't think that that's much better"

"Of course not but I get from where he's coming from. He was not good back there, okay? It was not only alcohol and nicotine that he took and he didn't have a balance in his life either. What you gave him, Archie, your love, is what he so deeply needed — what he needs now, okay? Are you able to support him too, now?"

"Yeah... Yeah, of course. I love him. I'd do anything for him, FP, you know that" Archie said, biting on the skin around his thumb yet again. He had to stop doing that.

"Okay, then just be there for him. Try to distract him by talking, if you can"

"I will"

They said their quick goodbye before Archie ended the call in order to walk back inside Jughead's room.

"So... what- Uh Boston, right?" Archie asked once he had sat down on the chair again.

"Yeah, that's where I live"

"How is it there?"

"Rainy. Not... so much sunshine. Uh..."

"How about your family?"

"Mom is great. Dad is... great too, when he's there. Usually he's out on tour. We see him like once or twice every year. He did try to come over during Christmas and our birthdays though"

"'Our' birthdays?"

"Yeah, me and Zack's"

"Who is Zack?"

"My twin brother?"

He said it as if it was oblivious. He said it as if Archie should know about it. Archie didn't know about it though. He didn't know about anything of this. He didn't know about Boston. He didn't know that FP had adopted him. He didn't know about this girlfriend. He didn't know about his twin brother.

Slowly, Archie got the feeling that he didn't even know his boyfriend at all or at least his life.

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