~Chapter 2~ The Horde Attack

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               "Oh uh hi, I'm (Y-Y/N) um" you said nervously. "It's nice to meet you" you continued taking a deep breath. "Haha it's nice to meet you too" she said sweetly. "I was just trying to get someone to tell me what's in this, it's amazing" Scorpia continued stuffing some food in her mouth. You giggle a little at her goofiness. "Well anyways i gotta go. It was really nice meeting you, I hope we can be friends" she said with the brightest smile walking backwards. "Y-yeah sure" you drifted off hoping she could hear you. After she leaves I go back to the balcony I was standing at looking over everyone again. I sigh in boredom just watching people having fun and laughing with each other. "It is my solemn duty as hostess to now announce, it is time for the first dance of the ball" you hear princess Frosta say as everyone excitedly rushes to the dance floor. I hid behind an ice pillar not wanting to dance with people you didn't know. A few minutes pass by and everyone seems to be having fun until.

                "What did you do to him!" you peered your head out to see who was screaming. "Ha nothing permanent" another person said mockingly. You saw She-ra pick up the person Scorpia came with by the collar of their blazer. "Tell me what you did with him right---" she said until ice spikes surrounded her. "Revered hostess she's got-" She-ra tried to say but got interrupted. "The Princess Ball is a ceremony of unity. Violence is strictly forbidden" Frosta says angrily. "You don't understand" She-ra tried to reason. "I understand perfectly. As hostess, in accordance with the rules set down over centuries, I hereby revoke your invitation" Frosta said sternly. "You are to leave my kingdom and never, ever--" before she could finish the pillars of the castle started to explode. Everyone began running in fear. You didn't really know what to do because you never thought the horde would attack a kingdom so large. You did everything you could to help though you couldn't use your full power potential for your rune stone was nowhere near you.

                 You rushed outside to see if there was any way you could stop the castle from falling apart. You stood there looking at the castle when you heard a panicked scream. "Get away from him!" you hear someone yell and decide to go and try to help. You arrive seeing the girl that arrived with She-ra fighting off two people to save whoever they have. She kneels to the floor to see if he was ok when suddenly she fell unconscious. You look up to see someone you didn't expect to see. "Scorpia?" you asked, confused. She seemed so nice you never expected her to be on the hordes side. "Oh hey (Y/N)" she said as if nothing happened. "What" I trail off not really saying anything out of shock. I wanted to run but something about her not hurting you when she was supposed to, made you stay. You wanted to figure out why she was doing this, maybe there was a good reason for this. Maybe you should help her? No, because then you'd be helping the horde and that's the opposite of what you should be doing.

                   The ice pillars were still collapsing and one of the shards was about to fall on Scopia. Out of fear you ran to her and used your power to save her with your forcefield. "Hey that was neat, thanks for doing that" she said while pulling you into a hug. You stiffened but then hugged her back. "Sorry I'm a hugger" Scorpia said letting you go. You stood there not really knowing what to say. "I-it's ok I don't r-really mind" you said, slightly blushing. You've never really had friends before so you didn't know how to act. I mean, if she even considered you a friend, you had only met that day. Only thing you could do was ask her.

                   "What you said earlier about being friends, d-did you mean that?" you asked her hoping she would say yes. Before she could answer the fallen ice from the castle started floating and went back to its place. You had turned your back to Scorpia for only a second but when you turned back she was gone. You couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. You shook it off and decided to head inside to see if there was anything else you could do to help anyone who was in trouble. When you got to the main room it looked like everything and everyone was taken care of. Frosta was a strong princess so you knew she could handle herself. You were still a little shaken from the prior events. 'Was it stupid to think that she could be my friend' you thought. As of tomorrow you were going to head back to your kingdom and continue protecting it, so you thought it was stupid to think you could actually make friends.

                     As you were heading home in your mother's carriage you couldn't help but think about the events that happened at the princess ball. You only wish you would have figured out if you and Scorpia could be friends. 'I shouldn't have friends though' you thought. 'I would never get to see them or even spend time with them' you scold yourself. 

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