~Chapter 5~ Gaining help

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    'Oh god' you thought. 'I forgot I had to socialize'. Talking to people was, in fact, not your strong suit. You panicked a little. Actually I think a little is an understatement. You were in your head so much you hadn't noticed that Adora was talking to you. "H-hello...um" you stuttered. Way to make a first impression. "My name is uh (Y/N) I-I'm the princess of the Ruins Kingdom" you stated. "Hey my name's Adora" she said smiling a little. "This is Perfuma" she said gesturing towards the girl with the flowers. "Hello!" 'Perfuma' greeted. "Entrapta" she continued pointing to another person. Entrapta too occupied to greet you. "And Mermista" Adora pointed to the last person. Mermista only waved at you seeming to not really care much. "I'm assuming you already know Seahawk?" Adora questioned walking a bit towards you.

    "Oh uh yeah I do" you said still sounding nervous. "Um I was hoping th-that you could help my kingdom" you continued in a bit of an urgent tone. "The horde attacked us and I was forced to leave and I hate that I can't do anything to help. So I thought that if I found you, you would be able to help so here I am..." you say rambling a bit. Adora stood there contemplating on what you just told her. The silence made you think that you might've said something wrong or that your just being a bother so you started to get nervous. But your kingdom was in trouble so it was time to be a little selfish for once. "This is good maybe we could get more information on where they took glimmer and bow" Adora says talking to no one in particular.

    "Alright (Y/N) was it we will help you and your kingdom, I promise you can count on me" Adora tells you as she puts a hand on your shoulder with a sympathetic look. "Okay a little change of plans buuuut this might be a good thing" she says turning to the people behind her. You on the other hand were so relived that she would help that it brought you to tears. You didn't even care that anyone was looking at you, you were just so happy that you could do something for your kingdom that you just had to cry out of relief.

Omg this is such a short update buuuuuut I have gained motivation to write again yay lol
But anyways hiya guys thank you for being patient with me I can't promise that I will update every week but maybe every 2 weeks being a junior is high school is not fun and I'm failing some of my classes 🙃 but anyways I hope you enjoyed!!!!

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