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"What just happened?"

Dean looks around, the bunker frantically.

Cass pushes himself onto his feet, from the floor he got blasted to.

"I don't know"

"The Devil won (sighs)"

Michael slowly is rising to his feet, as he pushes himself against the beam next to him.

Dean and Cass turn to Michael, as he turns to them.

"That's what happened"

Sam grunts as he falls to the floor, Liana falling next to him.

The pair push themselves to their feet as they see Lucifer holding Jack.

"Really Sam? Li? Hitching a ride? I mean do you pair ever quit?"

"Go to hell"

"Hell, yeah. Been there. Done that."

Lucifer drops Jack as he kicks Sam making Sam fall to the floor.

"Stop it!"

Liana glares at Lucifer.

Lucifer hunches in front of Liana.

"Li, when will you ever learn from your mistakes. Never trust the devil"

Lucifer then punches Liana, making her fall back into the floor in pain.

"How do we stop him?"

Cass stands next to Dean, as they both look at Michael.

"You don't"

"After consuming the nephilim's grace, Lucifer juiced up. He's super-charged."

"He'll kill the boy, your brother, your sister. 'hell, he could end the whole universe if he put his mind to it. And you thought I was bad."

"No. No, you beat him. I saw you."

"When he was weaker, and I was stronger. Believe me, I'd love to rip my brother apart. But now this banged up meatsuit...(wheezes loudly) not happening."

"This is the end, of everything."


"What if... what if you had your sword?"

Lucifer lifts up Sam by his neck, choking him.

"Let go of him"

Liana tries to push her limp body up off the ground, but from the Michael injuries and one's Lucifer inflicted, she is having no luck.

"I'll be with you in a sec, Li. Just having a talk her with your big ol' Sammy here"

Liana spits out blood as she glares at Lucifer, trying to push herself up more.

" You... it's been real fun. I really had a great time with you, but I think we should see other people. What you say?"


Lucifer's eyes light up as he chokes Sam more.

Liana watching in horror, as she tries harder to stop Lucifer.


Lucifer stops a she drops Sam, next to Liana, as she pulls Sam into her, asking if he is okay.

Sam just nods slowly at Liana.

Lucifer turns to Jack, as Jack pushes himself to stand up.

"Now, why should I listen to you?"

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