The Love Of A Rito (Teba X Hylian Reader)

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Teba stormed past you to your shared bed, dropping his bow on the nightstand, and slumped into the cot. You walked over and sat next to him, placing your hand on his back. 

"Hard day today, love?" You cooed, running your hand up and down his back. He gave a nod, and let out a muffled reply. You laughed, not able to understand a word he said, and continued the soothing manner you had started. His breathing soon became even, a soft breath in, a soft breath out. You went to get up, but strong arms pulled you into his chest.

"Stay.." He muttered into your ear, his breath warm.

"Hey! Ah, alright love." You nuzzled to him and closed your eyes, sleep taking over all your thoughts.

"I love you."

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