username3 i make it my mission to meet you guys this time

jonathandavissofficial the amount of hashtags scare me


A week had passed and the eight cast mates were waiting to board their one way flight, well one way for the next six or so months. The were on their way back to Charleston, South Carolina to start filming season two.

They had received the news of season two confirmation a little over a month ago, but they didn't get any specific dates. They were supposed to get their scripts a couple weeks ago, but since they were going back to SC earlier than expected, getting the scripts wasn't really that important.

There was still some time before filming officially started, which gave them time to get settled into their apartments and study their lines. Austin had agreed to share an apartment with Rudy, wanting to let Teagan and Drew share their own.

"Flight 56B to Charleston, South Carolina is now boarding," the group heard over the loud speaker that traveled throughout the airport. They all stood up from their scattered spots around the seating area and headed towards their boarding area.

"Ticket, please," One of the workers asked as Teagan stepped up to the entrance, she handed him her ticket with a smile, "Have a nice flight."

She waited for Drew to get his ticket checked before walking through the terminal, hand-in-hand. They made it to the plane and chose a two seats in the back where Madelyn, Chase, and JD already sat.

Drew put Teagans carry on in the shelf above, which earned him a smile from the girl before he snagged the window seat. She wasn't upset, though, because Madison took the outside seat. She just didn't want to sit next to a complete stranger.

"Charleston, be ready!" Rudy cheered as he walked towards the back of the plane with Austin behind him. People that were already seated stared at the boy, but shook it off as they assumed he was an obnoxious young adult, as he looked with his board shorts and bright yellow tank top with sunglasses as well. He looked like a mess.



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


teagan plane mirror selfies927

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

plane mirror selfies

username1 still looking perfect

daviddobrik when the queen kook wears
my merch

drewstarkey come back, you were my pillow
teagan no you were drooling on me
drewstarkey i don't drool
teagan debatable

madelyncline can someone please tell rudy to stop singing oh my god
rudeth it's not good to say the lords name in vain
madelyncline like you abide by that rule

username2 i'm just ready for season two

hichasestokes i am so ready for this plane to land, there is a baby crying
madisonbaileybabe that would be rudy's singing

jonathandavissofficial i feel bad for every other person on this flight
austinnorth55 i too


A/N: remember when i said they were filming season two? ya i totally forgot i did so who's ready for the next "six months". i'm thinking of maybe turning this into a multiple book series depending on where this book takes me. i really want to give you guys a lot since there is not a ton of drew starkey books. but we will talk about this in the future HAHA i still have a lot to write here

and thank you for 80k reads 🤍

Cheers [drew starkey]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat