Chapter 4

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"YOU WHAT?!" Biana squealed over the phone.

I sighed expectantly, holding in a laugh at her exuberant reaction after I told her I went on a 'date' with Keefe. She was always known for going crazy when it came to boy talk, especially when it was about me, since I've never actually dated before.

"Spill ALL the details about the date!! I need to know everything!" Biana said, full of enthusiastic energy.

"Okay, okay! But only since you asked," I said, trying not to get too deep into everything as I explained all that happened, from the secret spot (didn't tell her where) to the bonding I had with Keefe. Once I wrapped everything up, she was squealing.

"Oh my gosh!! Girl!! You guys are so meant for each other!!" she exclaimed giddily.

"You think? I mean - what makes you say that?" I said, trying not to reveal my crush (even though it's no surprise).

"Are you serious? He matches with you so perfectly! You've never really been interested in a guy before!! You guys are basically soulmates!!"

"I guess," I said, trying (but failing) to sound casual.

"We should totally meet up today! Maybe the mall?" Biana suggested. "We could get you so many cute clothes to impress Keefe!!"

"I'll pass, but I can help you shop if you want since I know you suck at decisions," I replied.

"Okay fineeee. You know me too well," Biana said. "On one condition though: you have to let me give you a makeover when you go on your next date!"

"You mean if I go on a next date," I corrected her.

Biana scoffed over the phone. "Whatever you say."

We decided we would meet at two o'clock. Once we hung up, I got a text from Fitz.

Heard u r going to the mall later w/ Biana

I decided to respond.

Yep! What r u doing today?

Keefe is coming over later, he said back.

Cool! Cya :), I ended the conversation with, hoping I didn't sound too enthusiastic with my texts. I decided to turn off my phone before I saw his response, since I was already embarrassed.

Since it was early in the morning, I decided it was time to eat breakfast. I quickly went downstairs and found Edaline making food.

"Oh, good morning!" Edaline smiled and turned around, her cheeks tinted pink. "How did you sleep?"

I plopped myself down onto the stools by the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Really good, actually."

"That's good! I'm glad you slept well!" Edaline said, her turquoise eyes glittering in the morning sun shining through the nearby window.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked as she turned around to keep making breakfast.

"Very good! The elephant from yesterday had me completely exhausted. I'm glad I got the day off today!"

"Where's Grady?"

"Oh, he's running errands right now. Anyways, breakfast is ready!" Edaline grinned as she set down a plate of french toast and an assortment of fruits.

I ate as much as I could before I became extremely full. I was usually hungry in the mornings, but because of all the mallowmelt I ate that night I still hadn't quite gotten space in my stomach. I thanked Edaline and cleaned my plate off before going upstairs.

Keeper of my Heart (a KOTLC story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon