Chapter 13 - Of Many Firsts

Start from the beginning

So now I sat in frustration with my mind completely fucked up because of that letter. I shook my head and pushed the thoughts aside, ready to call two of the bodyguards I had appointed. The other two were off shift today. They had been working for me for three weeks already.

Holden picked up the phone on the second ring. "Yes, boss?" He said.

"Holden, we'll be at The Plaza in approximately five minutes. I need for you to come down the building and guard from afar, keeping a safe distance and avoiding suspicion. There might be onlookers. Then walk into the building a minute after us and go for the stairs. Take an elevator on the third floor and ride to the fifth where we'll be waiting. Craig is to stay behind and guard the floor. Clear?" My voice asked a question but any denial was out of the realm of possibilities and Holden was aware of that. He knew my instructions would be clear and dependable. He'd walk into the building a short while after us to decrease suspicion, take the stairs to decrease it even more, then stop at the fifth floor to guard Mila with double protection until we reached her apartment floor safely. I didn't do this as a means of paranoia and this certainly wasn't an every day stunt but today was an exception. As the news of Josephine's death spread so would the presences of strangers; strangers willing to go to extremes to get to Mila because they wanted 'real' information; paparazzi wanting pictures and rich stories submersed in credible detail. Or not, they wouldn't care if it was credible as long as it was there and they had a story. Mila would be the one suffering if I didn't protect her from the attention I knew she despised. It would be a constant reminder that her mom was dead and I would do everything in my power to protect her from that.

"Clear." Holden verified and I hung up, satisfied. I payed the cab once he pulled up into the building. It was a comfort being the one to pay.

"Stay inside." I said to Mila, knowing she would hear me. I got out and opened her door, helping her out and wrapping her arm around my waist, shielding her with my body. I caught one glimpse of her face and wished I hadn't. She seemed so far gone within herself that I felt the need to shake her, scream at her to come out of her trance. But I knew I couldn't. I skimmed the area for Holden and found him, smoking a cigarette by the fountain and looking nonchalant as he gazed ahead to where the park rested. He didn't look at the park but at Mila and myself as we exited the cab. Nobody suspected him of anything, strolling completely past him as all New Yorkers would. Not even the observant tourists spared him a second glance. Holden was a fine bodyguard. The other appointed guard, Craig, was greatly skilled as well, for I wouldn't appoint someone who's abilities I questioned. This was a life in my hands: Mila's. Even though both guards exhibited a keen intellect I knew who's skills were better, more precise and sharp, but any other person would not have noticed the differences. All in all, it was Holden whom I trusted better, who's efficiency on the job was more dependable. Hence why I called him down.

Now it was time to get moving and to make it to the apartment as efficiently as we could.


We entered the apartment with no troubles and the first thing Mila did was walk to the window in the living room and take a seat on the chair beside it. She kept gazing out into the sky, silent as she hugged her knees to her chest. She seemed so fragile and broken that I couldn't believe that we had been strolling down Central Park just an hour or two ago where she had worn a beautiful smile as she snapped pictures of the autumn leaves and trees. My gut twisted agonizingly and I felt the overwhelming urge to drive my fist into a wall. Instead I went to the kitchen and searched through her cabinets until I found a chicken Cup Noodles. I poured the amount of water indicated in the instructions and popped it into the microwave for the instructed three minutes. I'd make one for myself after she ate. Once the three minutes were up I took the soup contents and poured them into a bowl for her. Mila would eat this even if I had to spoon feed her the entire thing. After a minute of letting the soup warm into a more tolerable temperature I took it into my hands and went to her.

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