"You see?" Klaue remarked. He raised his weaponized arm above him, and with another pulsing sound, the roof of the truck was blown clean off. "Woohoo!" he cheered. Because of the blast, the doors of the truck opened and Hannah could see Bucky tumbling down the road along with the roof debris. Cars threatened to run him over, but he quickly moved to shoulder. All he could do was stare at the truck as it picked up speed and left him behind.

Hannah couldn't tell how much time had passed since the chase, but it must've been hours. They had upgraded her hospital bed to a chair, but she still couldn't move. A rope was tied tightly around her wrists and ankles. Klaue had locked her in the ship's brig and had visited her many times to explain his evil plot. They were holding her hostage in hopes of getting "The Winter Soldier". She could almost laugh about it. If Bucky was smart, he would've ditched her the moment he disappeared from the truck's view. It's not like they had been traveling together for a while, and he had the plane tickets. In fact, she assumed he was on a plane already, excited to be back in Bucharest. Klaue was wasting his time.

The door creaked open and Klaue stepped in with the smile he never seemed to lose. "I hope you're comfortable," he lied. 

"I'd feel more comfortable if you took these off," Hannah retorted while trying to shuffle her hands out of the rope.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he apologized. He called one of his men to remove the restraints. He cut the rope, just barely missing her skin. "My men aren't ones for manners."

"You put those on me," she growled as she rubbed her sore wrists.

"I know. I'm trying to be the good cop," he explained. "I don't have any donuts, but dave makes great pizzas if you're interested."

"You're not bribing me with food."

"I'm not bribing you at all!" he laughed. "I've got the upper hand. The Winter Soldier will ride in on his white horse and rescue his damsel in distress."

"I'm glad you're so sure about that," she quipped.

Klaue chuckled. "It's hilarious to me that you have not idea who you're traveling with."

"Then tell me," she spat.

"It's a complicated story," he said as he scratched his neck. If anyone was going to tell her about Bucky, it would be Klaue, and even he was playing the complicated story card.

Hannah shrugged. "I've got all day."

"I suppose you do," he laughed. "But I don't. Your boyfriend will be here any second to rescue you."

"He's not my boyfriend. He's hardly a friend," Hannah grumbled.

Klaue nearly doubled over laughing after she said that. "Hydra created the most elite Russian specialist in that man. He goes in and gets the job done every time. It's really quite impressive and I only wish that I had thought of it first. The point is, he doesn't need you. He doesn't need anyone, so why does he keep you with him?" He waited for Hannah to respond, but she couldn't. Everything he was saying made her head spin. Bucky was a Russian soldier for Hydra? 

"It's because he likes you," he whispered.

"I got it, thanks," she snapped.

"What about you?" he asked. Hannah stared blankly at him. "Do you like him?" he clarified.

Hannah was dragged back to reality. "No!" she said shocked. Klaue thinking that Hannah would like a Russian, Hydra agent made her sick. All that time she thought Bucky was SHIELD. As it turns out, he was something much worse.

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