chapter two ♛

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a/n: hey guys, make sure to comment throughout and share ur thoughts! i don't wanna be writing for ghosts lolll, thank u sm for reading, i hope u enjoy! make sure to answer end of the chapter questions <3

- carly xoxo


(1:38pm) billie: 7051 ca-2, 7th floor, door code is 8481. b here by like 3ish?

I stared down at the text Billie had sent nearly an hour ago. I sighed loudly.

"Girl I hope you're still not stressing like a dumbass in that corner over there. I already said it was fine, loyalty is stupid as fuck in a situation like this. You have a real shot here Lu so stop huffing and puffing unless you're gonna blow some fucking houses down and get your ass to downtown!"

My eyes widened at Lydia's sudden outburst, my head snapping in her direction where she sat at the kitchen island eating a sub. I groaned, "But you've turned down so much shit for me, and the one time we both have the chance to make it, you're not well enough. It's not fair Lyds."

My best friend dropped her sandwich before making her way over to where I sat in the small living area. "You're doing me less good by sitting here and being a nobody. Like I said, you have a real shot here. Why turn down an opportunity of a life time when you can go out and make a song with Billie fucking Eilish then when I'm all better, pay me back by letting me sit front row at your Grammys performance!" A breathy laugh escaped my lips as Lydia extended her hands towards me to help me up. Accepting both hands, I allowed her to pull my body up and off the couch. "Go Luna. Don't give up first class just because I'm flying coach. This has been your dream since forever and I wouldn't ever be able to forgive myself as a best friend if you really let this major opportunity pass. As a best friend, I'm suppose to be happy for you no matter what and I'm so fucking happy for you. So be happy and allow good things to come into your life for once. You're talented and you deserve to finally be recognized for that. My time will come, but right now is yours. Don't cloud it with worrying about me because I don't matter right now."

I let out a shaky breath and smiled, pulling Lydia into a bone crushing hug. "Thank you so much," I whispered in the crook of her neck.

Last night I ended up accepting Billie's offer and ever since I felt increasingly guilty. Lydia was my best friend and had given up so much for me and the one time I get a bigger opportunity, I accepted. I felt shitty but having the reassurance that she was happy and proud of me meant a lot.

"What would you do without me? You're an actual dumb ass," my mouth fell open as she laughed and kissed my cheek. "Now go! Traffic is real bogus out here, say hi to Fin for me."

We pulled apart and I smiled teasingly at her, "Oh, I will."

I shook my head at the smirk that fell upon her face. She didn't straight up tell me, but I knew for sure her and Fin did something last night and I was ready for all the details when I came back.


Yeah, I haven't felt nerves like this since my 8th grade graduation and I ended up throwing up literally as I walked across the stage. Was not my brightest moment. Needless to say, that familiar queasy feeling was back and it did not feel nice at all.

(1:38pm) billie: 7051 ca-2, 7th floor, door code is 8481. b here by like 3ish?

       (2:53pm) luna: im here, should I just come up now?

(2:55pm) billie: yup, lemme come down rq tho i forgot you don't have id

I sighed nervously before unbuckling my seatbelt and making my way to the tall, official looking ass building. Upon entering the lobby area, the elevator on the far left had dinged at that exact time to reveal the girl with the neon green hair and ocean eyes from yesterday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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