Aunt Gracie: oh honey i'm sorry

                                                                                    y/n: why was my dad a bad man?

Aunt Gracie: he started your mom

                                                                                       y/n: on accident

Aunt Gracie: I don't want to argue this right now

I'll tell Layla lomorrow

                                                                                                y/n: okay thanks auntie

Aunt Gracie: you're welcome love you

                                                                                                      y/n: love you too

I looked out the window again and saw that we were pulling into the driveway.

dad: I'll go get the mail

Vanessa: come y/n let me show you the surprise

y/n: okay!

I followed Vanessa into the kitchen. She handed me a pile of papers. I read through them and was shocked.

y/n: you want to adopt me?

Vanessa: yes I do! That way I'm not your step mom and I have a right to live with you. Also you don't have to call me Vanessa

y/n: omg 

I started crying like a baby again. This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me

y/n: yes I accept or I uh want to YES!

Vanessa: yay just sign here

She pointed to the line and I wrote down my signiture.

She hugged me so tight and I hugged her back.

dad: hate to ruin the moment but I have the results

He held up the envelope that would decide the fate of this so called family.

mom: Bailey!

She came rushing down the stairs. I quickly wiped away my tears.

mom: you should be the one to open it

She nodded and took the envelope. She slowly began to open it up and started crying. Then, she turned toward my dad and started crying even more.

Bailey: I- I'm not your kid. It says I'm Logan Smith's and Vanessa Gomez's kid

y/n: wait didn't you change your last name when you got married

mom: no I didn't

Bailey: So I guess I call you Adrian now

She said still looking at my dad

Bailey: And it looks like you get my life

I looked her straight in the eyes as she turned around to look at me.

Bailey: You get my mom, Adrian, the boys,  and everything else

mom: she doesn't get me I adopted her

Bailey: you what!

dad: we thought you would be okay with it

Bailey: ask me before assuming. Also, WHO THE FUCK IS LOGAN SMITH

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss! Or Is It? ~ Alejandro RosarioWhere stories live. Discover now