And he was sure it sent shivers down Soobin's spine. Because he was scared, Beomgyu knew he was scared.

To lose Jisu. Scared that she'll get tired and forget about Soobin.

He was scared.

That maybe Beomgyu was right.


Yeji finds out that she isn't the baseball captain anymore. Because Soobin controlled everyone. Now no one wanted to stand beside her and defend her.

They didn't even know that Yeji was injured because she didn't go to school for quite some time until now.

Where the first thing she finds out about is her losing her most cherished spot in the team. Being the captain.

And to make things more worse. She was also kicked out and was banned from the field. Taking everything away from her.

It was fucking ridiculous that all Yeji could do was to either laugh at herself or cry because this hurt her even more.

The pain of getting hated by the person you love the most. The pain of losing that person because of some rumor that isn't even close to being true.

The pain of everyone blaming her and the pain of getting robbed of all the things Yeji has left that helped her cope with all the shit that has been happening.

It was so painful that Yeji could barely feel happiness again. Eventually losing Ryujin too, because she couldn't keep pretending that she loved her like the way she loved Jisu.

Luckily, Ryujin understood, with the way things were at the moment. Ryujin understood, yet, Yeji knows she was hurt.

She even let Ryujin distance herself from her for a while. It was alright though, Beomgyu and Hyunjin had her back at all times. Always protecting her.

Yeji sees the way Ryujin and Yuna were playing in the field one evening. They looked like they were having so much fun and honestly, Yeji wanted to play with them too.

If only she wasn't injured right now.

She would be running around the field with them, kicking the ball and just.. spending her evening with the two younger girls.

That would make her happy. But something happened that absolutely shocked Yeji but she instantly breaks into a wide smile when she realizes it.

Yuna planted a kiss on Ryujin's forehead. Looking so sweet and gentle with the older girl as she does so. Yeji felt herself visibly melt.

They looked ...good together.

Ryujin and her met eyes and for a split second, Ryujin's eyes shook. Scared and was taken a back as she thought Yeji would be jealous and mad because it hasn't been a while since they broke up.

But when Yeji flashes Ryujin a sweet smile, all the scared feeling went away as Ryujin felt relieved and supported.

She didn't know Yeji would react like this but she loved it.

They were in good terms and that was what matters.


Helping Yeji throughout all the bullshit was not an easy task for the three of them. They constantly need to protect her from ... other students.

Because injuring her wasn't enough.

They were still no match with everyone trying to come at Yeji left and right. So when Yeji fell down on the stairs without anyone to help her, she felt so bad for herself.

I Liked You As Soon As I Hated You (Yejisu)Where stories live. Discover now