"Ida stop this. You don't want this. Don't make this shit public. Even with Coulder, Marius and me only a select few know."

" Ann. I understand that part, but they have women. They think I don't know. I should be allowed to mingle and have friends."

"Over my dead body," says Adam. He growled so hard then he stepped his big body towards Ida.

She says, "stop it Adam. I want to go out on dates and be with people my age too."

I always wonder why she didn't go out and date. Ida is down right beautiful.

This is getting out of hand. I look over to Marius.

He clears his throat.

He says," Adam, Juan I'm very disappointed.."

Annora says, "oh Marius cut the shit. You don't give a damn. You barely can drum up words to lie. How could you. Ida is your cousin and she has been down with you since the beginning. Protect her damn it."

"Watch your fucking mouth."

Annora is quiet but her glare remains. So I step in again.

"Ok fellas. You can't step foot in this house until you're ready to make an honest woman out of Ida. Annora is right. Ida has been invaluable to our family. So you need to move her in with you and be committed to her and only her. She managed to fall in love with both of you and how she did that is beyond me. You both are whores. You slang way too much dick to be in a monogamous relationship. I'm not snitching just being honest. If I had to choose, I would be on Ida side. She's sweet and deserves everything you have to give and not your STD's. So until you are ready to do that you are not allowed in this house. Go get dressed and leave."

I turn to Ida. "Ida, you go relaxed. Tomorrow I will plan you a day of beauty. You are going to talk to everybody and find you some friends. Don't worry about cost, Marius and I will pay for it. We appreciate you and it's time we show it."

Annora Pov

After Adam and Juan leave and Ida go back to her space I turn angry eyes to Marius.

"You couldn't say one fucking word against what they where doing, and do you want to know why you can't say shit Marius. It's because you understand where they are coming from don't you. Because that's simple logic. If a woman doesn't want your ass you raped them, grab their pussies and stick a big dick up their asses, right. Because that's what you are Marius, an evil dick. The saddest part is. That shit runs in your family. And the most shocking part is it's your mama side of the family. I leave my child with that lady. How many people have she raped back in the day."

The more I talk the more pissed he got, but I was too angry to care.

He moved to grab me but I took off running. I reach the kitchen and out of the patio doors. I reach the backyard and stumble over Cataleya's toys. But I would not go down. I quickly jumped over it and haul ass. Our back yard is 5 acres, so I'm just running. I don't know where to. I just know I can't let him catch me. I hear a shout far back and I get happy. That means I have a good head start.

I hear gunshots then go down. The shock and surprise of it all just made me go down.

I only went down for a couple seconds, but that's all he needed. He was on me in seconds.

He's breathing heavy. I pause and don't move. He flips me over on my back. As I stare into his murderous face. I realize I do not know how to pick my battles. Because this was the wrong battle to act a fool on.

He's holding his gun in his hand. He's not pointing it at me. It's pointed towards the ground. It's very lax in his hand. But that doesn't mean he won't lift it a little and point it towards my head.

Entangled (Toxic Romance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن