Chapter 28

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Marius Pov

"I will be so happy when she has that baby. If I wasn't so fond of my balls I would have them snipped."

My mom says, "we'll be over to your place tonight for dinner."

Gideon walks up to her. "Are you leaving?"

Moms says," for now, I will see you later tonight, now come give me a kiss, you too Marius."

We both go up to my mom and hug her. Her hugs are so warm and tight. They take me back.

Mom and Jesus leave and I sit down at the table.

Gideon says," are you going to talk to Ann."

"No, not right now, she'll just cry then fuck all the cum out of me."

Gideon says, " so you really don't plan on surviving this thing with grandpa. What if you do, then what. You, Ann and Coulder will be together forever."

I shrug. "I haven't thought that far ahead, Gideon. You know when that old fucker brings it he really brings it. I don't want to leave Annora unprotected."

"What about the baby."

"After it's born, we go full force." After I say this I stand up. I look over at Coulder. " You're just going to let me go off alone. Some of this is your fault too."

He smirks and stands with me. As we make our way up the stairs he says, " I'm not letting you go on a suicide mission and die and hurt Annora."

I stay quiet for a few seconds then say, " yes you will." I used a clipped tone so he will know it's not up for discussion.

When I make it to the room door and walk in a slap comes from out of nowhere.

"Fuck you Marius. I hate your ass." Annora is cursing and beating my chest. She hit me everywhere. I finally get fed up and grab her throat and slam her on the bed.

I look down into her tear streaked face as she continues to struggle. "Stop it or I will knock you out and keep you knocked out until you have this baby then the real punishments will start. You remember how I punish don't you Nora."

She sobs, "stop it Marius."

"Shut the fuck up. Coulder and I came up here to talk to you. To ease your fears, but now I don't want to talk." I crawl up her face and release my dick and shove it in her mouth. She glares up at me.

"Suck it, before I get upset." I've been taking it easy on her. Mainly because all she does is cry when she's upset, but today she decided to show her ass.

I moan as she latches on and sucks my dick down her throat. Coulder walks around the bed and starts to remove Annora bottoms then suck her pussy in his mouth. After I feel myself getting close I say, " all fours now," I growled.

I don't wait for her. I get up and grab her and flip her over and pull her hips up and slam into her from the back and pound.

Coulder walks around her front and grabs her hair tight and shoves his dick inside her mouth.

"Don't come Annora, if you do that's your ass."

I moan as her pussy grips me tighter. I look over at Coulder and nod. I come. So does he.

After we're done Annora looks at us expecting, but we do nothing. Coulder has left the room. I say, "for your behavior you will not be coming and if I catch you playing with yourself I will pull out my whip. You have to learn that everything isn't about you. To look at the bigger picture. You have no idea the impact my father had on my life and the lives around him." After I say this I walk to the bathroom and slam the door.

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