Does He Love Me?

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I started to worry as I walked to school. I figured out that I like Kou a few months ago...and today, I'm going to confess. Yuri had gotten over Kou and is now dating another boy. She gave me the thumbs up to go for Kou so I'm going to try. Things could get really messy and it could ruin our friendship but I'm going to try anyway. I love Kou and I need to know if he loves me back.

I walked into school and saw that Kou was talking to a bunch of our classmates. I decided not to pull him away because it could attract attention and attention is exactly what I didn't want. I walked over to the classroom and saw Yuri talking to her boyfriend. I didn't want to disturb her so I decided to say hi to her later. It makes me feel so grateful that Yuri is happy. Everything got super complicated when we both liked the same guy and now she likes someone different and that boy likes her back. To see her smiling, it's like a dream come true.

The bell rang and I took my seat. We had a test in the morning so I had to focus. After about 1 hour, I turned in my test and sat back down at my seat. I noticed that Kou had already turned in his test. He really doesn't take time with his tests. It makes me sad that he doesn't care about his grades like he used to but at the same time, I'm glad he's not stressed. After the test was over, I walked over to Kou. It's now or never.

"Hey Kou," I said.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Can I talk to you in private?" I asked. I looked over at Yuri who had gotten a sense of what I was doing and smiled her sweet smile of approval.

"Sure," he answered. Kou grabbed my hand and walked over to a private area of the school.

"What do you want idiot?" he asked in an angered tone. I knew he was just being regular Kou and he had a heart inside so I didn't take his words to heart.

"Kou...I like you," I said. I did it! I did it! Now what will he say?

Kou x Futaba-Blooming Love (Ao Haru Ride)Where stories live. Discover now