"Fine, I won't." Khushi nodded.

Rohan stood up as he walked towards the window, started outside silently for a moment before he started speaking.

"It was after school, we had just finished school and mostly all of my friends decided to go study abroad and all, so in my friends group, I wasn't the only one left here, I dint really want to go out, so I found a good place to study here.

So it was basically, new place, new environment with no one I knew, I had to make new friends and stuff, I mean I had never really had to make friends, you know how I was in school, I just had friends out of nowhere, no efforts whatsoever, so I was somehow worried if I'd ever be able to make friends in college.

Anyway, so the first day in class, I had a desk mate, she was a very pretty girl but I dint really talk to her much so it was surprising when she started a conversation with me." He smiled as he turned to look at me, I guessed she was the girl whose picture he had been looking at that day.

Anyway so that was the start of a beautiful friends, we became friends and with no time more than friends, we would always hand out together, eat together do a lot of stuff together, and life was pretty much good.

Then slowly I started making new friends and I got busy, they weren't bad friends really but I just changed I guess, I became distant from her.

For a while she kept quite, she wouldn't complain or anything and I thought everything was okay between us. Then a time came when I wouldn't give her my time at all, and when she would try to discuss the problem I would ignore her or get angry and talk to her rudely.

I don't really know what it was, I was stupid, I made stupid decisions, I'm not going into a lot of details but yeah, in simple terms, I took her for granted.

I knew she loved me and she was going to stay with me no matter what, she dint even have any friends actually, I was her friend and boyfriend and all that so without me who was she going to have right?

But that was the biggest mistake I made Khushi, I took her for granted, I thought that no matter what I did, she was going to be with me, she wouldn't leave me and then she ended up proving me wrong.

One day she left. Just like that. She dint inform me, she dint text me or call me. She just left, I tried to find her, to contact her but she even changed her number and until today, I have no idea where she is.

All this years, I've been trying to find her, or hope that one day she would come back and give me a chance to apologize.

You know when she was with me I dint even realize how important she was to me, and now that she's gone I can't stop thinking about her. So yeah, I told you, we men take things for granted sometimes, and that's what your stupid husband is doing." He sat down on his chair once again as Khushi looked at him in surprise, she would have never thought Rohan would have done something like that, it was surprising.

"So the reason I so much want to help you is because, I feel I couldn't be there for her when she needed me the most, but I can be with you, I can help you and someday maybe my good deeds will bring her back." Rohan smiled.

"I see, all this is for a selfish reason then." She giggled.

"Exactly, what did you think, I was helping you for free." He laughed, and she joined him in laughing. It was sad though, she had seen how he was looking at her picture that day, he really did love her, he still loved her, and she hoped one day that girl was going to come back in his life, after all everyone deserved a chance to repent right?

"So back to work, let's register our company, that's if you are okay with it. I mean it's an advantage, if you have my name in it, I'm already running a successful company so it would help a lot, it would literally take off in months." Rohan said, it sounded like a good idea, plus it was good if she had a partner because she was new to this field and she did need a little bit of help.

"Okay, let's do it." she said confidently.


The day at work had been really busy, they had done a lot for their new company today, and she also had work for Rohan's company so it was quite a tiring day and she arrived home pretty late too, by that time, everyone was asleep.

She headed to her room where Arnav was sleeping peacefully on the bed, she grabbed her PJ's from the cupboard and was about to walk out when she realized Arnav was sleeping without a blanket so she got one from the cupboard and covered him with it as she headed to the guest room.

Once the door was shut, Arnav opened his eyes and sat up, he sighed as he looked around the empty room in confusion.

Why did Khushi care for him and for Anjali despite how horrible he has been to her? All he ever did was hate her, be rude and mean to her, but she still cared about him, why?

It was difficult to keep hating her when she was like this, only if he could like her though, but his past memories wouldn't ever let him like her.


"Stay here, if you want to go somewhere tell the driver to take you, I'll call him to pick me when I'm done." His father said as he walked out of the car, Arnav looked at him through the window as he kept on walking until he stopped in front of a woman who was standing there holding her little daughter's hand.

Arnav stepped out of the car and walked a bit closer so he could hear their conversation, he hid himself behind a tree making sure no one saw him.

"Why do you bring her everywhere?" His father asked.

"Oh come on now, she has to learn doesn't she. It's family business." The woman smirked.

"Arnav sir, you can't be here, if your father sees you he will kill me." The driver tapped on his shoulder.

"Let's go back to the car." He grabbed Arnav's hand as he took him back to the car, once he was inside he tried to find his father but they all had disappeared.

Flashback Ends

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