Dinner was amazing and being someone who liked cooking I couldn't help but love how everything we ate was either homegrown from their veggie patch or home made with local products. I hadn't eaten a full meal like this in a while and felt slightly sleepy sitting in the living area talking the night away. I didn't know how many wines I had over dinner but I knew it was definitely getting to me.

"Megan dear, could you grab the Shiraz from the cellar?" Olivia asked as she placed her and Derek's empty glasses in the coffee table.

"Of course," she smiled, standing from her position next to me, "Did you want another glass?" She asked, gesturing to my now empty one.

"Maybe a water?" I smiled at her. She nodded smiling at me as she walked towards the archway. I couldn't help but notice how her hips swayed as she walked and how her tight dress defined all of her curves.

"So Kaden," Derek began which brought my eyes from Megan's back to him, "Megan said you had a daughter, does this mean there is another partner?" He asked, crossing his hands over his stomach.

"I had a partner," I replied, feeling my chest grow slightly heavy.


"He passed away," I clarified.

"Oh we're sorry to hear that," Olivia sighed, her eyes looking at me with comfort.

"We're you married?" Derek continued.

"No we weren't,"

"Does Jasmine understand the situation with your partner being out of the picture?" He asked.

"Dad why are you asking such a personal question?" Megan questioned as she walked into the room with a new bottle of wine. I was slightly relieved she had come back because I didn't know how to answer the next question without bringing up Jasmines autism. I wasn't ashamed of her autism but it was hard to explain and I knew a lot of people didn't understand what it meant to be on the spectrum which made it harder for me to be open about it.

"We're just getting to know Kaden Megs," Derek sighed, as Megan placed the bottle down and sat back next to me, handing me a glass of water.

"Thank you," I mumbled, taking a much needed sip. She smiled at me, leaning back with her arm rested out in the back of the chair. My body wanted to fall slightly into her side so I could rest but I didn't want to intrude in her personal space or make it seem like it was something it wasn't.

"Derek, why don't we go finish the washing up and we will bring out sweets?" Olivia suggested, standing from her seat. He nodded, getting up and following her out of the room. I leaned back in the chair, looking at the seats where they were seated.

"Are you okay?" Megan asked from beside me. I glanced at her, her blue eyes still as intriguing now to when I first saw them.

"Yeah," I smiled at her, earning a small smile back.

"Sorry my dads like a private investigator I swear," she sighed, shaking her head.

"It's okay honestly," I chuckled, placing my hand on hers to reassure her. Her eyes glanced down at out hands before they met mine again. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearing half last eight which was probably why I was feeling tired with the wine also adding to it.

"You look tired," Megan commented, our hands still together.

"I think it's just the wine," I chuckled, hearing Megan chuckle beside me.

"Lightweight huh?"

"Quite possibly," I laughed, and without realising it, my body relaxed and I found myself resting against her. Her arm wrapped around my right shoulder, her fingers tracing against my skin, making me instantly more sleepy. My head rested on her shoulder and I could feel her slowly inhale and exhale. Our hands were still together and I began playing with her fingers.

Megan JonesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora