Good Kitten

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"Gag me Chain me choke me break me kiss me kill me"

That's what Bill was told everyday by his Pine tree. Did he kiss him? yes. Did he choke him? correct. Did he gag him? no need did he break him? he tried not to and if he broke him he guaranteed it would kill him.

Pine tree was a virgin he is supposed to remain that way. But Cipher is the only one with control over him. Pulls the strings like he's a puppet. What no one knew he was a broken puppet in need of repair and Cipher was assigned to fix him. He's the only one in the mental hospital that can control him make him listen command him he was his kitten and Everytime they saw each other with others in the room it went like "Hello Master." "Hello Kitten. Do you plan on behaving today?" "Yes Sir if that's what Master wishes No Sir if that's what Master wishes." "Good Kitten." There would be stares and murmurs around the room and he'd politely ask them to leave the containment unit. Once everyone was gone the conversation proceeded with "Master why must I be a virgin?" "Your souls to pretty to soil." "Gag me?" "Why?" "To muffle the noise of course." "No" "Chain me?" "Why?" "So I won't run away hurt myself or others." "Break me?" "Never" "Kiss me?" When your free from your containment unit later today." "Fine" "Kill Me?"

Day after day after day after day this would proceed.

"We've made great progress to kitten." "Goodbye Master"

Okay idk what this was but here you go lmao wtf

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