He never discussed with me about it. I didn't ask him that's the reason he didn't tell me but now, Karan started to discuss this topic. My curiosity increased.

After few minutes, shlok opened his mouth and said with hesitation, "I don't know."

Karan said with irritation, "shlok, be serious. Tell me, what do you want if you didn't want to join business? And most important, I need someone with whom I can share my burden. You know I can't do everything myself."

Shlok shrugged his shoulders, "why don't you recruit further staff for sharing your burden?"
I wanted to laugh but everyone was serious that's why I somehow control myself and looked down on my lap. Because if I saw their expressions, I definitely laugh loudly. Should I leave them alone? But I had no courage to stand up and left. That's why it's better to sit there.

Karan said nonchalantly, "when I have my brother, why do I need to recruit? And I can't leave some important matter on staff."

I agreed to Karan. He was right. I could only say it silently.

Shlok looked at me and smirked, "why don't you ask sister in law to join the business?"
I was not expected it that shlok said something like it. Why me? Why was he dragging me into his business? I looked at me with shocked. Its hard to digest it for me. Everyone looked at me. I looked at them 'why are you looking at me like it?'
He explained, " You need a family member to share your burden and she is your wife. I saw her education reports. It was excellent. She is genius in study. She can be helpful than me. I am right na, grandma?" He looked grandma with pleading eyes.

Karan looked at me 'really?'. It seemed he knew nothing about me.
Grandma said with satisfaction, "shlok is right." Now, I understood why he started to call me sister in law in front of grandma. How could you deceive me, shlok? I really will not talk to you in future. Mom also agreed to shlok.

That's why everyone was looking at me with curiosity. I took a deep breath and said, "actually, I have no interest in business. My parents also wanted me to join the business. But because lacking of my interest, they never force me. I never thought to join business."

I couldn't tell them the truth that it's kartik who never wanted me to join. That's why I never thought to join and I didn't want to grudge between us siblings because of  business. 

Shlok asked, "you never thought or you were not interested in past. But now, you can think about it. Bro... I am right na?"
Karan nodded. It seemed he also wanted. He seriously needed someone help. But I was going to get divorce soon and my goal was already set. I never wanted to keep any contact with him in future.
That's why I told them, "actually, my study score is high because I only wanted to study. And I always wanted to photographer. But kartik is really protective to me and he didn't want me to go outside for study that's why I couldn't study in photography. Sorry, I can't help it because I can't do it."

Shlok said with excitement, "you have your dream. Why didn't you tell me before?"
I laughed, "you never asked before."

Karan coughed lightly. We looked at him. He stood up and gave warning to shlok, "I give you sometime to think. But I need your positive response."

He left after saying it. Shlok and I  exchanged the look but didn't say anything.

After taking dinner, shlok suggested, "kavya, do you wanna play video game?"
I nodded and we came to his room for playing.

He lost both round. I observed him and put the remote control a side and asked with concern, "why are you so distracted?"

He glanced towards me and took deep breath, "you really wanted to be photographer or you told a lie to avoid the situation?"

Ugh, he started that topic again. Then I remembered that I decided to not talk him anymore. But he was in bad mood that's why I forgave him that time.
I took deep breath, hugged my both legs and put my head between my knees, "I really wanted to. But it was in past. And I am seriously not interested in business. Actually, I am not ready for hard working. I always want to do tension free job. I want to work when I have mood.... Not I have to. And you know how is a photographer life.... Carefree and tension free..... I always want this type of job."

There were silent. I asked with curiosity, "why don't you want to join?"

He didn't say anything. His facial expressions was dark. It seemed there was something huge.

After few moments, he opened his mouth, "my both parents worked. You know we have family business that's why they always involved with it. They were always busy. Even they have no time for me. I missed my parents so much. Aunty took care me since childhood. That's why I am close to her. Even, my parents had no time for attending parents teachers meeting. Aunty always attended. When I saw other children parents came, I got angry. But I couldn't do anything. That's why I have a negative thoughts about it. It's not that I don't want to but I have some time to prepare myself for it. Karan knows about it. and he also knows if he doesn't pressure me, I will not join."

I never knew there was something like it. I knew how it felt when your parents had no time for you. I was pitied for him. But I didn't know why he dragged me?

I said polietly, "I understood what are you feeling." He nodded. There was sadness into his eyes.
He told me more and I listened without asking anything.

When he felt cool down,  I tried to change the topic, "why did you drag me?" I glared him.

He chuckled, "what's wrong with it? If you join, it will help in your future. You will have experience. And most importantly, I will have company with you that's why I will not have bored."

He was right. After divorce, I will have to earn money for my daily needs.  I never wanted that kartik would feed me whole life. I can't sit at home and eat whole life.

I took a deep breath, "but I have some other thoughts."

"What thouhts?" He asked with excitement.

"I have already decided what I will do after divorce. Even, I didn't think about my carer but now, you start this topic then I have decided. After divorce, I will study in photography. I am good in it. I will show you my work later. In past, I took participate in competition online. And I got satisfied results. That's why if I study properly, I will do best. I will buy a house and live in my house happily."

He chuckled, "wow, you already planned everything. You will not live with your parents or kartik?"

I shook my head, "no, I already discussed it with kartik before marriage. I lived in that house so many years. That house is a nightmare for me......I don't want to go there again. When I married, I already decided I will buy a house for me." I told him nonchalantly.

He joked, "can I come into your house to live with you?"

I hit on his arm lightly, "you have already this house and family. Why do you want to live with me?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "because without you, I will get bored."

I laughed, "let's see." He also joined me.

After few days,

Karan and I went to business party. I worn grey colour saree with handmade embroidery while Karan worn red colour suit.

Karan took me into party many times that's why I knew many people's there. But I never interested into business that's why when they started to talk about business. I preferred to sit alone and enjoy my time. And Karan never forced me to do what I never wanted. That's why I was free to do what I wanted.

Karan was busy to talk someone. While I was enjoying my juice and playing with my mobile.

I went to washroom. When I was going to back towards my seat, I saw someone in corridor whom I didn't want to see. That's why I ignored him and did my head down while walking.

But I heard his mocking voice, "kavya.... What a pleasant surprise."

I pretended that I didn't hear it and continued to walk. But I felt someone held my wrist to stop me. My heart rate increased and I had sweat on my forehead.

My Heartless Ex- Husband (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now