Chapter 39

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"Stop! Please stop!" My voice broke through the air as the hands kept a tight hold on me.

"Don't you think she looks a little hot Lisa?"

"I think she does. Maybe we should cool her off."

Harsh hand gripped me arms and shoved me closer and closer towards the pool. Fear rippled through my body at what was going to happen. A couple of boys sat by the edge laughing with beers in hand. 

"Get in the water." One of the girls said sternly. She wasn't looking at me, instead she was looking at the other who helped hold me.

"W-what? I was just gonna push her in." Confusion was filled in the girl's voice. Lisa, I think. 

"I said get in the water. I thought you wanted to join the team." Venom laced with the words as Lisa hesitantly got in, pulling me with her. 

"Stop, please. Why are you doing this?" I begged.

The girl above me leaned down, running a manicured finger across my cheek with a small smile. A harsh tug pulled at the top of my hair before my head was submerged under the water. Struggling to grab anything and push her hand away, my arms were pulled down to my sides as well, holding me captive while my lungs struggled to keep enough air. 

Coughing and gasping I was let up for air before being shoved down once more, for less time. 

Pulling me up, she pulled my face closer to hers whispering, "You embarrassed me. I don't like being embarrassed."

Again, only this time I could feel the force behind the hands at my head. She wasn't planning on letting me up. "Stop, I'm letting her go! You're gonna drown her!" Gargled words could barely be heard as I felt the hands around my arms release and attempt to push away the ones above me. 

With only a few more seconds being held under my body instinctively opened its mouth to grab air, only to flood my lungs with water.

Within a few more I was gone.


I woke up with a harsh gasp, clawing at my throat in an attempt to push the burning sensation away. 

"Cay? It's okay, it was just another dream. You're okay," Paul's voice attempted to soothe me. 

"I'm gonna be sick," I mumbled dazed. His attempt at getting out of the bed to find me something failed as the movement of the bed caused my stomach to churn. Leaning over the side of the bed I vomited onto the floor. 

"Oh fuck. Jared get a bucket and a wet rag!"

I leaned back, feeling Paul hold my hair. Pushing myself into his body I groaned at the hot temperature and gently shoved him away. All I could do was hoarsely whisper for Jasper, which he luckily caught onto quickly and grabbed my phone to call him. 

"What the fuck do you mean I have to wait?! Get me Jasper now." A moment passed. "I don't care what you're doing or who you're with, my best friend is freaking out and asked for you so you're gonna get your pale skinny bloodsucking constipated face looking ass the fuck over here right now!"

It had been a week since I had seen Jas because I was either with Alice or Paul. Jared was sitting on the ground next to me cleaning up the mess with a disgusted face, but still trying to look sympathetic as I struggled to sit up.

 "He'll be here in a sec Cay." Paul's tone turned into a gentle one. 

Within a few minutes Paul and Jared had left the room once they smelled Jasper coming up the stairs. "I'm here darlin', what's wrong?" As soon as he sat on my bed I curled myself into his cool body. 

"I had another bad one." Right away, I felt the waves of calm wash over me and helped my body relax. He laid back against some of the pillows, pulling me to sprawl across his chest and legs. 

"You should just stay at my house baby, you always sleep better there," Jasper spoke softly into my hair, smoothing it out and rubbing my shoulders and back. 

"Who picked up your phone Jas? You guys were busy?" 

I felt his hand stop moving, hesitating on his next words. "Let's just say we won't be getting intimate anytime soon."

I sat up with a laugh. "Why, what's up?"

"It's Bella," his eyes met mine. "Her and Edward had to come home early. She's sick." 

Confusion was easily read all over my face, as well as emotions. 

"Bella's pregnant."

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