I was still arguing with Hanako, failing to notice Yashiros' unwavering gaze on me. "I still disagree! Uno is so much better!" I retorted, "Pfft, as if! It's too easy! There's no real challenge in it!" he argued. I sighed, clearly frustrated. 'Clearly, this conversation isn't going anywhere.' I mused as just changed the topic. Utterly oblivious to the pair of Amber eyes, staring at my form.

How is she... So cute? The way she can start a conversation so quickly, the way her hair bounces every time she walks... She makes me feel... Safe...

But she's an exorcist. She might exorcise me out of nowhere! But then again... I always want to be next to her... She makes me feel warm... Hanako mused as he shook his head. 'What was I just thinking?'

After a couple more minutes, we finally decided to meet at the Old Schools' Rooftop at lunch. 

I looked at my phone to check the time, only to find it at 5:25. 'Have we been talking for that long?' I mused, "Guys, I'm going to go now. I promised Kou and his brother that we will walk together today." I told them before waving.

But as she left, one thought entered the male apparitions' and the youthful 1st years' heads. 

"Does she... Like somebody?" The two of them questioned. A feeling of despair and sadness filling their hearts.

Walking towards the gates, I noticed two figures waiting for me there already. "Y/n-San!" Kou yelled before dashing and hugging my waist. Keep in mind, he is somewhat taller than me so my face is basically buried in his chest.


I pushed him off, making him pout in the process. 

"N/n, where have you been?" Teru asked from the gate. "I've been talking with a friend!" I answered, subconsciously making my voice sound happier. 

'Does she... Like them?!' The same thought came inside the Minamoto Siblings' head as they felt devastated.

I walked away from the frozen pair, "You coming with me or what?" I asked them

No reply

"I'll buy you guys some gelato?" I asked again.

Still, no reply

"I'll sleep at your place."

Just then, they started sprinting towards me. Kou threw me on his back without stumbling forward. 'What have you been doing while I was gone!?' I thought, clearly impressed by the sudden improvement of his physical strength. While Teru grabbed all of my belongings and continued sprinting towards their house.

I took out my phone, dialling my fathers' number. After a couple of rings, he finally picked up. "Y/n? Did something happen? You don't normally call me unless something important came up..." My father answered worriedly.

"Yeah, about that. I'm sleeping at the Minamoto Residences tonight. I hope you don't mind..." I told him as I heard him chuckle.

"It's no problem, I was about to tell you that I won't be able to come back until sundown next week due to a business trip. So it's no problem whatsoever," he answered as I gave a sigh of relief.

"Okay, that's all. Bye, dad."

"Bye, sweetie." and just like that, he hung up.

"Good news boys, my father said that it's okay, I'll also be living with you for a week or so. I just need to set-up my sleeping spot." I told the two as the both of them grinned. "It's okay Y/n-San! You can sleep in my bed!" You told me, "No, it's okay, you can sleep in my bed." Teru butted in. Just then, the two started a glaring match with each other.

'Geez, boys and their hormones...' I mused as I stared at the two boys bickering at each other.

Once we arrived, they put me down and placed my things in the living room. "Onee-San!" a high-pitched voice rang out. "Tiara! How's my favourite girl in the entire world doing?" I asked her, engulfing her in a massive hug.

"Roleplay!" she screamed as I gave an awkward chuckle, "Sorry but, Onee-San is a bit tired right now. Can we do that tomorrow?" I asked, silently hoping she would say yes. 

She gave me those puppy eyes 'Darn it! She knows that I can't resist those puppy eyes! She knows too much!' I mused as I heaved a quiet sigh. "Alright, let's go get prepared then, shall we?" I asked her as she nodded her head vigorously.

Time Skip!

"Oh, thy beautiful Princess, please accept my love for you, for my feelings for you are true!" Kou exclaimed, a little too passionately, kneeling before me. Grabbing one of my hands and placing one of his own on his chest. "Nonsense! I love her with my entire heart!" Teru yelled while pushing Kou away, "Marry me instead! And we will live happily ever after!" he continued.









"ZzZzZzZzZz..." snoring could be heard as the Minamoto siblings sweatdropped. Tiara shook me awake. "Huh!? Oh..." I exclaimed before clearing my throat. "There is only one way to solve this! *Yawn* And that is..."





"A battle!" I exclaimed while rubbing my eyes, trying to take the sleepiness away. "Whoever makes it out victorious, shall be my Prince!" I exclaimed, yawning once again.

"Very well, if that's what you desire, my Princess," Kou said before standing up. (I AM CRINGING WHILE WRITING THIS PIECE OF TRASH!1)


After the fight, Kou came out victorious. "No... Impossible!" Teru yelled. For once, he actually felt jealous of his younger brother. Meanwhile, Kou was smiling, proud of his accomplishment in defeating his brother.

"My dear, it is time for us to-" He was cut off by the sight of Y/n sleeping. Tiara in her embrace.

The two Minamotos just sighed, one from relief and the other from disappointment. Teru carried Y/n to his bed, and Kou carried Tiara to her bed.

The first day of the very long week has just begun.

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