12 | A Brutal Massacre

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Those words still to this day remained fresh in Derek's memory, whenever he second-guessed himself, he had to forcefully prompt himself that going down that path of destruction and chaos, was not only not an option but it was totally and completely out of the question.

Derek's thoughts soon returned back to Edward, when he heard him speak after a long and unsettling lull of silence between them.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'd like us to start getting along." Derek heard him say.

I know you being unemployed has been rough on you and Melissa, especially after your struggle with your drinking problem and losing your job and credibility as a doctor."

"Yes," Derek answered him precipitously knowing his act of concern was yet another facade in disguise.

He quickly cleared his throat before continuing.

"Which is precisely the reason why I stopped drinking to be a better husband to Melissa and a responsible father to Holly," Derek assured him.

"They all that matter to me in this world, unfortunately, becoming a doctor again, and getting my medical license reinstated is out of the question, but I have learnt to come to terms with that and move on with my life to something hopefully more promising in the not so distant future."

"That's good to hear," Edward said.

But Derek could detect the subtle and underlining sarcasm in his voice and he wondered where Edward was really going with this.

"The accident that happened to you recently, I hear you have been having a difficult time with nightmares and insomnia. That must be extremely difficult for you..."

He heard Edward drivel on much to Derek's annoyance.

"Where are you going with this?"Derek promptly impeded him.

It was an extremely sensitive topic, one that he didn't particularly wish to discuss especially with the likes of him.

"I know you have never given a damn about me in the past, so why the sudden change of heart?"Derek asked him harshly.

He watched Edward pace up and down on the living room floor like a drug addict wanting his next fix reaching for yet another glass of whiskey. Derek could feel the anger slowly settling inside him he was intentionally testing Derek's forbearance, he reminded himself he was better than this and it would have been a much wiser choice to leave rather than provoke an unnecessary argument between them Mel didn't need to walk in on them having yet another brawl, especially not on their first night of moving into this house.

He knew leaving now would do more good than harm.

"I don't mean to be rude." Derek abruptly interrupted him.

" But I'm going to see, where Melissa is we can continue this conversation at a later stage."

And with that Derek promptly dismissed himself, from his presence.

He was just about to steer down the long narrow hallway, when he heard Melissa screaming hysterically, it sounded as if it were coming from upstairs. Derek quickly bolted up the stairs, hearing his wife relentless screams drive him faster at charging up that decrepit old staircase, her screams became louder in between vociferous and frantic cries. As he made his way to the top of the staircase did Derek then realise that her screams were coming from inside the bathroom.

He found her crouching on the floor, sobbing and screaming hysterically.

"Honey, what's wrong?! What's going on?!"

Melissa looked at him whatever little colour, she had left had completely vanished and began pointing at something, but Derek couldn't quite make out what it was as yet.

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