sixteen | darkness

Start from the beginning

"Nope. Kind of shut down all contact we had with him once we got home for the holiday. I suspect family problems." Pansy shrugs, easily brushing the matter off her shoulders.

Family problems could be a factor in it, though Paz knew Theo. She knew he wouldn't throw a tantrum just because of some problems going on at home. In fact, she knew Theo would never throw a tantrum, when he was upset he usually would choose to stay silent. He wasn't the kind to talk back and storm off, he would just sit back and observe.

With these thoughts of Theo on her mind, she says good night to her sister and friend before heading up to her own dormitory. Astoria was already asleep when Paz arrived. Paz let herself fall back onto her bed, wanting nothing more than a good nights sleep. This would give her a chance to relax, because she knew tomorrow she was for sure getting into an argument with Theo.

Like he said, she was nosey. And Paz was certainly going to find out what was troubling Theo and get rid of it for him.


Theo had skipped breakfast the next morning, making Paz wait until lunch time to finally get to chat with him. Pansy and Blaise had eaten lunch earlier, leaving just Theo and Paz at the edge of the Slytherin table.

Paz has taken a seat next to Theo rather than across from him, sitting uncomfortably close.

"Wonderful lunch options today, huh?" Paz says, scooping some small potato bits onto the corner of her plate.

"I'm not in the mood Paz." Theo grumbles, nudging her away from him.

"You're awfully moody since returning here.. is everything alright at home?" Paz asks quietly.

Theo throws his utensils onto his plate and stands up from the table, grabbing his jacket and speed walking out of the Great Hall.

"Hmm. Must be family problems then." Paz says to herself. She finishes up her lunch before rushing after Ginny, who had left a moment before her.

Upon arrival back to Hogwarts, the two both have received heavy stacks of assignments that would be due by the end of the week.  Paz and Ginny both decided on hitting up the library after their last few classes of the day. 

Paz wasn't too fond of the library anymore, knowing that Amycus or Alecto could walk in any second and make up an excuse to punish her.  At the same time, that also made it better.  The faster students finished their work, the faster they could leave and dodge the Carrows. 

"This Transfiguration essay is kicking my butt." Paz groans, letting her head fall into her arms on the desk in front of her. 

Ginny throws a crumpled up piece of parchment at her.

"Oh shut up and get a move on, Neville's expecting us soon." Ginny states, then continuing on her foot and a half Transfiguration essay.

"For what?  There's no meeting tonight." Paz whispers, not wanting others to over hear.

"I dunno, he just asked me at lunch to meet him there with you." Ginny shrugs.

Once Ginny finishes her essay she quickly packs it away in her bag.  She glances over towards Paz, who was doodling a rather large dragon in the corner of her paper. 

"You're hopeless," Ginny jokes, closing up Paz's parchment for her, "Now c'mon."

Paz throws her things into her bag and follows Ginny to the seventh floor corridor.  They check the area before entering the Room of Requirement, where Neville is already waiting.  Paz smiles warmly towards him, though he looks rather nervous.

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