Chapter 1

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Two Hearts Beating Under This Cold Weather

Chapter 1

It was like every other winter; cold, snowy and white. I for once loved the winter. Snowball fights. As I opened the door to go out in the cold. I was greeted with the cold gush of wind touching my warm cheeks. I was dressed in warm clothes. A long sleeved shirt, a grey hoodie and skinny jeans with leggings in them. I had on my long green jacket, boots, a hat, gloves and my favorite purple scarf. I closed the door behind me and sighed smiling.

I'm Johanna Crowley everybody calls me J.C. I'm no ordinary teenage girl everyone thinks I am. I love playing sports. Yes, I'm a tomboy, that's where I got my nickname from. I hate shopping. I wouldn't want to be any other girl I know. Their life consists of shopping, make up, salads and water.

Dudes..or do you prefer dudettes?

(Cricket noise in background)

Okay..I've got three words and 10 letters for you.

Food is life.

I don't know what I would do if they never invented pizzas or hamburgers or, or cheesy fries. Mmm, cheesy fries. Talking about food got me hungry already. I patted my stomach hearing the sound of a whale calling. I laughed silently. I looked at the stores as I passed by walking and stopped at a Diner.

I entered the diner finding a table at the corner. I sat down taking off my jacket, gloves and scarf. This was my favorite diner. It had the best chili dogs and cheesy fries ever. I was looking through the menu till I got interrupted. "Excuse me, is this seat taken" a deep melodic voice asked. I put the menu down and looked at the person. I'd be telling you a lie that he wasn't good looking. By the voice you knew he would be. "No, you can have it" I smiled at him. He smiled back pulling the chair and sitting on it. "Or you can sit with me" I said.

"Hi I'm Lacy, I'm going to be you're waitress for today" the waitress smiled. I would never work in a restaurant or diner if I had to keep on faking a smile for everyone. "I would like cheesy fries and a strawberry milkshake" I told her. I stared at the boy across from me and he smiled. "I would like the chili dogs and a vanilla milkshake" he said emphasis on vanilla. She wrote it down and said she'll get our food in a few minutes.

Vanilla? What is wrong with this boy? Strawberry is the best. I gave him a glance. His hair was a slight light brown color, ruffled a bit from well everywhere. I loved his eyes, big chocolate eyes that you could stare in all day. And his lips, oh his lips looked so soft. I bet they are even softer when you kissed them. 'Snap out of it!' The voice in my head yelled. I can't he's so dreamy. 'You're turning into a girly girl.' It said.

"So, Strawberry" he said. "Vanilla" I spoke with bitter taste. "I like vanilla, it's sweet but why strawberry?" He asked. "I like strawberry and for your information, it's sweet as well" I told him. "But when you finish it, you're left with seeds at the bottom of the cup." "I also drink that, thank you very much" I spoke. That's when hell broke loose. We started having this heated argument of what flavor was better.

"Oh please, nothing can top vanilla" he said with a roll of his eyes. "Here you go" Lacy, our waitress said handing our food and drink. "Thank you" I smiled. "End of conversation, clearly vanilla is best" he smiled at me. Ok, he's getting on my nerves. I sat up.

"Want to have a go at it" I said. "Give me your best" he spoke and with each word he was inching towards me. As he got close he smirked. I pulled back and sat down. Ugh, I hate him. I grabbed a fry from my tray and took a bite.

After the food he paid for everything. We continued to talk about that and other things. Like school, family and so many more. When we talked he told me stories of when he was little. I as well traded some stories.

"And then I tripped on the line I was going to use for my sister" he laughed. He was going to prank his sister but he got himself instead. "Wow" I laughed. "What are you laughing at J.C. You told me when you were running you tripped and fell on mud, face flat" he chuckled. They were great memories.

I looked at the time and it was already 8 p.m. Oh shoot. "It was nice talking to you Parker but I really have to go" I told him. "I'll give you a ride, it's really dark and I don't want nothing to happen to you" he offered. "Thanks but I'm ok" I smiled. "Please" he begged. "Alright" I sighed defeated following him to where his car was. He opened the door like a gentleman and I climbed right in.

As we drove to my place, which I told him the address. The car ride was silent but comfortable. When we got there I unbuckled and got out. "Thanks for everything" I smiled. "No problem, I'll see you tomorrow." "I'll be there" I waved goodbye and he drove off.

I turned around seeing my house lights off. We normally sleep at 8 and eat dinner at 7. So I was late. And it was past my curfew. I know what you're saying. You're 17 years old and you're curfew is 8? No, no, you have a curfew? Yes, I do. I get up at 4 in the morning and do my daily routine. I have to be a school by 6 a.m. Sometimes 5. That's on school days since its Christmas break I still have to sleep early.

I saw the ladder leaning on the garage door. Lifting it, I lightly set it down near my windowsill. I climbed up and since it was snowing. My footprints will be gone by morning. I opened my window getting in and my room lights turned on and I froze. I looked at my door and saw my moms arms crossed on her chest giving me 'the look'. I'm doomed.

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