Hero {Part 2} 🌧

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Your Pov:

I walked through the halls holding my sleeves down. Things and thoughts rushed through my head. Two weeks ago the most popular boy in my school. Katsuki Bakugou saved me from suicide. And he's been helping me show that this world is okay. I guess. But I still have that dark voice in my head. And I cut the other day and he noticed. He hugged me and I cried into his chest. He cleaned the cuts and wrapped a bandage around them.
I still keep asking over and over. "Why did you save me?" It keeps running back and forth through my head. I can't find the answer. And I can never have the courage to ask him. I'm not that confident to talk about the deeper questions in my head. I tried a couple of days ago. But it never came out. I'm more of a coward than ever.
I walked into my first-hour class and sat in my seat looking out the window. I saw the sky move as the day started. I could hear the students talk to one another about boyfriends or girlfriends. I hid my head into my arms closing my eyes. Then I heard his name.
"Aye! Katsuki! What's up!" A male shouted I hid more into my arms. I heard him growl under his breath as he walked away from the male. I looked up a little from my arms seeing him sit in the seat in front of me he gently brushed some of my bangs out of my face and I looked at him as he looked at me. I felt weird and I looked away from his eyes. He stayed in the seat in front of me even though that is not his seat he still sat there. I was very lost more than anything. Why was he actually trying to help me? He was just being quiet I haven't heard him growl or shout at anyone. Was this what he meant on how he was going to show me the good side to the world? I am honestly not sure.

During class I did some of my things but a lot of eyes were lost and my eyes kept staying on my papers and leaning onto my palm looking at my paper sighing slightly. Students were already leaving but I was still in the room Really not wanting to go anywhere I just want to stay there. I hated this to be honest and I just wanted to go home. I felt something touch my shoulder and I jumper a little then turned  my head seeing Katsuki and I looked at him.
"You doing okay?" He looks at me and I looked down at my paper and then back at him I nodded. He looked at me then sighed under his breath.
"Get up, we're going somewhere" he walks forward. I put all my things away grabbing my bag pulling onto my shoulders and I walked behind him. I was confused but, he was trying to help me. He soon turned his head looking at me and I looked at him.
"You gonna walk beside me or keep being slow?" I looked at the distance between us it looked like there was an invisible line that connected us, I hated being side by side with people it just made me, uncomfortable. Why? Because I have a personally bubble. And I really don't know Katsuki that well so I don't stand by him. It's not that I don't trust him. He saved my life. It's just I don't know him that well, to walk by him. I shook my head I didn't want to be rude I just didn't want to be by him. He sighed then kept walking forward.

We soon left the school and we were walking in town, I was still a little far behind him and he had his hands into his pockets. I was so confused on where we were going but, I wasn't going to stop him. I glanced to the side and looked around but felt something bump into me then I looked up seeing Katsuki came to a stop.
"Is something wrong?" I looked at him and he looked down at me then took my hand walking with me into a building, I was surprised by his movement and him grabbing my hand. I looked around it was a small cafe and it had. Cats. Wait what cafe had cats? I looked at all the cats as they slept, played or ate some food.
"Hello welcome to the cat cafe how can I help you?" Katsuki handed her a little slip of paper. She nods and takes the paper then hands him a key. She smiles.
"Have a nice 2 hours" I raised my brow and then followed Katsuki waving a little to the girl, walking with him to the room as he unlocks it. And opens the door for me. I  nodded my head and walked inside seeing so many cats and looked at all of them. I loved cats they were so helpful and loved cuddles and loved being around people when they were sad. I sat down seeing a black and white cat come and crawl onto my lap. I looked at it and petted it hearing the cat started to purr. I felt my heart sink then I did something I thought I wasn't able to do, I smiled. And petted the cat.
"See, their is the smile I knew you had." I jumped a little and turned my head looking at him. And I petted the cat and I looked down then kept the smile on my face.
"Yeah...me either.." I looked at the cat.
Katsuki and I stayed their for two hours and we petted and played with the cats having a fun time with all the cute little cats. We had some coffee as well but we mainly tried to talk about one another, I learned that his best friend go him into football and now he loved it. And I told him I loved to draw and write. But now he wants to see the art and small stories so maybe I shouldn't have told him that.

But that wasn't the end, I'm just beginning to find myself once again, and that is all thanks to Katsuki,

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