Flowers 👉👈

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Valentine's Day was just around the corner. Everyone getting gifts for their love ones or soon to be. Chocolate hearts. Huggable stuffed animals. And the most beautiful thing a girl can get. A bouquet of flowers.

You calmly sat at your desk hearing males and females talking about the special love day. You on the other hand weren't. It's not like you hated it. Just never had a good one. Sometimes it be terrible with a toxic relationship or your parents would be fighting nonstop and it hurt. So you didn't care for much. Just a simple Happy Valentine's Day. You did though have a crush on a certain blonde boy in your class.
Katsuki Bakugou.
You and him were close friends. He being the I don't want to talk one and you being the 'come one let's have some fun.' No one really understood your guy's relationship. But no one question it either.
You laied your cheek onto your palm looking down at your phone distracting yourself from the muttering people in the room.
"(Y/n)!" You looked up to see Mina walk over to you. Placing your phone face down you calmly waved to her as she walked up to you.
"Hello Mina." Your soft voice echoed to her and she smiled brighter. Everyone liked you. You were calm and sweet and gentle. Sometimes. Your were pissy and rude. But that was rare. So whenever you smiled or said hello people died right in front of you.
"So what are you doing tomorrow?" She leaned forward looking into your soft (e/c) eyes. You shrugged not knowing what you were doing. Well. You really had nothing planned for tomorrow.
"Your not getting your Valentine anything?" She placed a finger onto her chin. No one knew about your crush on the boom-boom boy. Mina would ask. But you shook your head. You rarely blushed when he came to thought. But when he was in front or by your side. You were a tomato.
"I don't have one" You twirled you hair just looking at her she puffed out her cheeks.
"Then what are you going to do?" She leaned onto her elbows. You then again shrugged.
"Probably say hello to my mother and father." That was a lie. You barely saw them and when you did. It was a tornado. So you stayed back at the dorms. When it came to long breaks. You barely left the dorm. You didn't hate your family. Just hated the fighting. Is all that pushed you away.
"Hmm. Well I hope someone here likes you. Your very loveable and beautiful." You blushed slightly at the comment nodding your head she walked away.

But little did you know. A sharp blonde boy heard the whole thing.

Valentine's Day~❤

You looked into the mirror brushing your (h/l)(h/c). It was the special day. Love was in the air. You smiled just thinking if Mina would actually get anything from Kirishima. You knew he's had his eye on her for a while. But you never bothered him about it. Or Mina. You just wanted them to do it on their own. Denki would bug Kiri. Sometimes making him fluster a lot and Min would be concern for Kiri.
You looked at yourself one last time satisfied with your hair. You grabbed your bag walking to your door. Peaking it open you were waiting for a blonde to be outside your door.
He wasn't
You looked around then. Down. Your soft (e/c) eyes widened. Your lips let out a small gasp. No one ever bought you anything for Valentine's Day. Except back in kindergarten when you passed out candy to one another and sometimes someone surprised you with something special. But this. This was different. You started to smile. Picking up the flowers you saw a small note.

'I've liked your soft side and everything you throw at me. But little by little by heart flutters. I'm not good at love. And this may seem surprising to you. But my love to you will never change. And I mean it.'

It had no name. That's when you got confused. But you knew it was someone close. Because your soft to everyone. So this was hard. You held the flowers close walking to your classroom. You reread the note to try and figure it out. But nothing sparked your attention. You opened the door. Looking up your (e/c) eyes met a pair of strong Ruby ones. You knew Bakugou arrived earlier than most students but you were surprised he showed up on the day he hated the most. He never liked gifts or love at all. Which made you scared to show to your feelings towards him.
"You going to just stand there dumbass?" You smoke your head away from your thoughts walking towards him. You showed him the flowers. He just glared.
"Who are they from?" You just shrugged.
"That I don't know. But the note was sweet. But I don't know who it is. Everyone sees my soft side. So I'm flat out lost." You smelt the flowers as he just stared at you happy you haven't found out. But hoping you wouldn't think it was from your other close friend Shinso. You looked at the hand writing. You knew it. It looks so familiar but who?
"I know the hand writing. Ive seen it before..but..I don't know who's?" You sadly looked at him he just shrugged. You nodded your head walking back to your seat placing the flowers down. Then it hit. You.
This is Katsuki's hand writing. The way he curves his 't's and dots his 'I' with circles instead of dots. You flustered so hard you hide your face from his view. But why would he give you flowers. Does he like me. Or is it just my head messing with me. Your thoughts jumbled into piles and piles. Not realizing people were trailing into the classroom.

You told Mina about the flowers you got and she told you that Kiri confused to liking her. So their now a duo. You smiled and congratued them. You one the other hand were still lost. Your brain said Shinso..
But your heart said Katsuki.
You wanted to confront them both. But deep down you knee Shinso had a heavy crush on Denki. So you weren't going to ask him. So all was left was Katsuki. You walked through the dorm halls looming for the blonde. But he wasn't around. You sighed. Maybe I shouldn't bother saying anything to him. He might tell at Mr for bringing something stupid up.

You placed the flowers down looking at the note once more. You wanted to know who gave these to you. But with your luck. It wouldn't be the guy you like. Love even.
You looked up hearing a faint knock at the door. Walking to the door. You opened it too met a pair of Ruby eyes. You smiled tilting your head.
"Hey Bakugou" he just clicked his tongue. You moved to the side allowing him to come in. He walked to your bed sitting down looking at the the flowers.
"Figure it out yet?" You shook your head sadly.
"No. I haven't." He saw the sadness in your eyes. He knew he either had to confess or leave it be. He wasn't one with love and had a hard time with words. But lately. His actions spoke louder then the words in his head. He walked up to the small girl pulling her into his embrace. Her eyes widened at the at what boom-boom boy was doing. She didn't know to hug back. Or just stand there. But she did what her heart wanted. Hugged him.
"Look. You have changed my life. And I honestly have no clue how. But I'm starting to like it. And like you more and more. How do I fuckin say this. " Your heart was throbbing out of your chest. Your crush. Liked you. And you could tell by that sentence that he was the one who gave you the flowers. You smiled into his chest holding him close.
"I like you too." He heard those four words slip off your tongue. His face fluttering lightly. He dyed himself away looking deep into your beautiful eyes he died for everytime. He leaned in close allowing both of your noses to touch. You started to blush heavily just seeing how close he was to you. He tilted his head to the side placing his lips onto yours. You widened your eyes slightly at the brave action he just took. You felt your heart race as his lips were on your soft ones. He moved his hand down your back and onto your waist. Pulling you closer. Your arms made it around his neck. Kissing him back. You felt like you never wanted to leave his touch. But he soon pulled away for air. You fluttered your eyes open. Looking into his eyes. He laid his head into your shoulder.

"Will. You be my girlfriend?" You smiled holding him close into your grasp.

"Yes Katsuki. I'd love to be your girlfriend."


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