"Hey princess.." I started as I grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to her and held her hand,

"I know you probably don't want to see me and the knights don't want me seeing you but I just want to apologize, for everything. I should've told you everything about my past. Bazine and I fell in love with one another and she left me to become a mercenary because Snoke hated her and he told me to choose between her or fulfilling my spot as Master of the Knights of Ren and I chose being master. Bazine and I tried to keep in contact with one another for a couple of years but I severed it since Snoke figured out what I was doing every time. When I saw her at Canto Bight she mind manipulated me and she tried to mess up our relationship. I didn't think the truth would come out this way. I know you probably can't hear me and you probably don't love me anymore but just know my love, I will come here everyday to check up on you and make sure you're healing properly. I love you I really do and stars I hope the force is on your side. I will come back again tomorrow y/n. Goodbye for now." I kissed her forehead and left the room. I thanked Kamy and went back to my quarters. 

The next four days I would visit her every night after everyone left so I could tell her about my day and try to see if she would wake up. The last night I tried, nothing happened so I went back to my quarters and about an hour later, I got a message on my data pad from Kamy saying she was awake. I prayed that the force was on my side and that I would be able to see y/n soon.

-------Back to your POV-------

You awoke and right by your side was Gabi and Hux, they were talking with Kamy and they heard you move in your bed.

"Oh thank the stars your awake y/n, how are you feeling?" Hux asked you as he walked over and held your hand.

"I feel a little better but my memories a bit fuzzy, how long was I out?" you asked as all the knights appeared in their regular battle outfits, they all took their masks off as Cardo stepped forward and said,

"You were out for 4 days m'lady." he said as you started to cry.

"Cardo what happened to me?" you asked him as he walked over to grab your hand,

"You attempted to kill Bazine Netal, then you had a fight with Master Ren and stormed off, some sick drunk slobs pulled you into an alley but you killed them but one of them had a dagger with poison in it and managed to cut your left shoulder. You called out for somebody and I was able to get to you just in time." he was down on his knees with tears in his eyes, "I thought I was going to lose you y/n, it was the worst feeling in the world." you let go of his hand and wiped his tears away.

"I would never leave you knights, I wouldn't dare." you say as you sat up slowly and they all walked towards your bed and you hugged them one by one. 

These men were like the older siblings you've always wanted. After you all hugged and stopped crying Kamy asked all the men to leave as her and Gabi helped you out of bed and helped you get dressed. You thanked them and asked Cardo and Ap'lek to escort you back to your quarters because you didn't want to be alone. You three walked inside your room as you started to cry, you fell to your knees as Cardo picked you up bridal style and sat you on the couch. Ap'lek went to go grab you water and you sobbed into Cardo's chest.

"When you said I attempted to kill her, what do you mean, I swear I stabbed my saber through her stomach I don't understand." you said as you sobbed into his arms.

"When you stormed off Kylo, well he ran to Bazine and did something with the force." he said as you thought about it.

"Force healing. I thought it was a myth." you said as you stood up in disbelief. You ran over to your bookshelf and grabbed the Jedi texts and scanned through until you found what you were looking for.

Unforgettable Love (A Kylo x Reader story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora