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~~~Your POV~~~

  I open my eyes slowly.. I feel my head aching slightly.. I hold my head as I sit up.. I hear some people talk.. Mitsuba notices me and he comes next to me. He has worried looks in his eyes ''Are you alright?!'' I look at him confusedly. Than I remember what happened. I nod slowly ''Yeah,I'm alright-'' I feel something on my back. I turn my head to my back and see blue fluffy small wings. My eyes gets widened. ''W-what!?'' The others notices that I'm awake. Amane flies next to me ''C-calm down (Y/N)-chan..''

     I close my eyes and take deep breathes to calm down. I feel that my head still aches. Than I remember. I put my hand in my pocket and take out the charm that tsukasa gave me. Amane's eyes gets widened. ''W-where did you get that from!?'' He says and takes it from my hand. He destroys it. ''T-tsukasa gave me?..'' He makes his hands fist. ''It's all his fault..'' he mumbles. Tsukasa-sensei,Mitsuba and I look at him.

      ''W-what do you mean Amane?..'' I ask curiously. ''This charm.. It waken up your powers.. The bad thing about it is...your power is too much for anyone to handle. Includes you too. This  is more like a curse. If you could call that..'' I look at amane confusedly ''Can you explain it more?..'' He sighs and sits on the air. ''You were.. not supposed to die cause of hanahaki or become a school mystery..'' My eyes gets widened ''w-what do you mean?'' Mitsuba's eyes gets widened ''S-so (Y/N) is gonna leave us.. again?..'' I tear up. ''I-I'm going to disappear?..'' Amane looks at me seriously ''I'm not going to let that happen.'' 

     ''Your curse is called angel's wishes. Actually.. I don't know if we can call it as curse.. They want you to go to heaven and maybe even have a second life. But.. It's up to you. Do you want to stop being a school mystery?.'' I look down ''Yes.. I have no one.. All I do is sit at the rooftop all alone..'' Everyone's eyes gets  widened well everyone except Tsuchigomori-sensei ''Thats what old (Y/N) would've say..'' I look at them and smile with my eyes closed ''But right now.. I enjoy being with you guys!'' I stay quiet for a while as I still smile ''Even If I would disappear one day.. I would be grateful to even spend time with you guys''

       Mitsuba comes up to me and hugs me. I get suprised ''Don't leave..'' I smile softly ''I won't..'' Tsukasa-sensei looks at us seriously ''I'm sorry for getting in the conversation but we need to be realistic. If she doesn't stop being a school mystery It will put everyone in danger.'' My smile disappears . Mitsuba breaks the hug and looks at me ''You old pervert man! You made (Y/N) sad! You are planning to say these things so you can kidnap her and do her bad things right!?'' amane tsuchigomori-sensei and I make (•-•) than I start to laugh.

       Mitsuba looks at me suprisedly. I pat his head as I still laugh ''Y-you are so funny mitsuba. I don't think he will do that tho'' I tear up cause of laughing too much and I wipe them away.

      Amane puffs his cheeks and pushes  mitsuba a little away. He hugs me ''Mine'' Mitsuba gets angry ''W-why are you talking like I have a crush on her!? She is just my best friend you pervert,short ghost!'' I cover my mouth to not to laugh. Amane takes out his knife ''Maybe I should've just make you gone already'' he says as he smiles. I panic and hug him ''y-yes! I'm yours so put the knife down!'' He looks at me after he puts the knife away ''So you admit that you are mine?~'' I blush and push him away ''W-whatever!'' I look away. He giggles. 

~~~~Tsukasa's POV~~~~

    I sit on the air angrily. ''I don't like this. She didn't disappear.'' Sakura takes a sip from her tea ''What will you do? Are you planning to give up?'' I look at her as I smile with my empty eyes 

  ''Am I a person that gives up on what I want?~''

      She puts her cup of tea down. ''Not really.'' I notice the muffin's on the table. I fly over there ''Muffin's!'' I grab a muffin and eat it happily. I hear sakura sigh ''What will I do with you?'' She says as she looks at me. I look at her confusedly as I still eat the muffin ''hm?'' She just shakes her head and takes another sip from her tea.





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