.•○.~Lost The Game~.○•.

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Thank you for reading cupcakes!! Hope you enjoy!~


    A week passed. Its a usual wednesday! I got ready and i went to dining room. I saw papa and mama ''Goodmorning papa! mama!'' I smile.. Mama didnt answer,she just ignores me.But this is unusual.. papa didn't answer either.. i look at him ''Papa? are you not feeling well?'' Papa drinks his coffee and walks away.. I look after him sadly.. ''Don't you understand? Even he thinks that you are an useless child'' she smirks and gets up,walks out as well.. I look on floor.. 'Im strong..' I go and grab my backpack,driver takes me to school..

     I get in class and put my backpack on my seat,girls surrounds around me ''Morning (y/n)-chan!'' .. ''Morning (y/n)!'' they are saying things like that i smile to them sand say morning. I notice that mitsuba is looking at me he opens his mouth to say morning but he walks back to his seat back.. I smile a little and giggle. I get up and walk over to him ''Morning Mitsuba-chan!'' He looks at me with sparkling eyes ''Morning (y/n)!'' We spent the day together and we got to know each other better. Teacher told us to call our parents tomorrow for the meeting. The day ends. We say our goodbyes and go to our houses. Driver takes me back to home. I open door. Put my back down and run next to mama and papa ''Mama! Papa!'' Mama looks at me ''What? You got a great grade from a test or something?'' I stop and smile ''No,we didnt have a test but-'' She looks at me coldy ''Than don't waste my time.'' I look down,than walk over to papa that is sitting at the other couch andreading some papers ''Papa!-'' he sighs ''Im busy with work. Can't you see (y/n)?'' .. ''B-but papa.. Its importan-'' He sighs ''Look (y/n). Im busy with making money to us. Go tell your mother.'' I look at mama ''Mama-'' She gets up and slaps me ''Enough!'' I hold my cheek and look at the floor blankly for a few seconds than i ran outside ''(Y/N)!! COME BACK HERE!'' I hear mama yelling..

     I look at the cup of hot chocolate im holding.. ''So thats what happened?'' the vet says. I nod.. He looks at me sadly for a second than smiles ''How about~.. You drink your hot chocolate than you can go play with the kitten you brought here'' I look at him with sparkly eyes ''Really?!'' He nods and smiles ''Of course!'' I drink my hot chocolate,I burn my tongue ''Ah!-'' I shake my head and clean my mouth ''Im ready!'' He chuckles,holds my hand and takes me to the kitten. The kitty is laying down on the floor and licking itself. I go and pick it up gently. I pet its head ''Good kitty!'' Vet chuckles ''Why dont you name it?'' I look at him ''Can i?!'' He nods ''Mhm'' I look at the white kitty ''Yuki'' i smile. Vet smiles back ''Thats such a great name!'' I giggle and nod. His phone rings ''I'll be back,okay?'' ''Okay!'' He walks back to his office. I play with Yuki. But she gets scared from a noise that came from outside. She starts to run outside of the clinic ''Ah! Wait Yuki!!'' I start to ran after it..

       Yuki was running to the park but she had to pass through to  asphalt.. It was green light so it must be fine- Yuki jumped to the asphalt. I reach my hand to yuki but i dont step on the asphalt yet. Than a car crushes yuki.. Yuki's blood spreads on the asphalt.. I look at there in horror..The hand i reached for her stops in air.. my eyes gets widened.. I freeze.. Than mama comes out from the car ''SO THATS WHERE YOU ARE-'' I hear it blurry. everything is blurry.. voices.. Objects.. people.. everything except yuki's corpse.. I hear another voice.. its blurry but.. its.. Mitsuba's voice?.. i guess he saw everything.. ''(y/n)!.. I-its okay.. I-it will be alright.. i-if we take it to the vet-'' I can hear mama's laugh ''To the vet?! Its dead!.. Hahahaha... Hahahahaha!!'' Than i hear papa's voice ''What are you saying Aoi!?'' ... Tears starts to fall from my cheeks... I start to cry loudly. Mitsuba looks at me suprisedly and sadly.. Papa and mama looks at me suprisedly. Its normal.. After all I wasnt a kid who cries easily..

       I fall on my knees as i continue to cry.. Papa bends next to me.. ''(y/n) I-its okay,We will buy a new one-'' I cry more and shake my head ''NO!.. I DONT WANT THAT!.. AND IF THINGS WOULD BE THAT EASY.. YOU COULD JUST REPLACE ME WITH ANOTHER CHILD WHEN IM DEAD!.. '' Papa looks at me shockedly.. Mitsuba's parents takes him away.. After a while everything wents black..

~~~~Dad's POV~~~~

    'How can she think like that?.. she is too young to think that type of things.. I never saw her crying like this-.. no.. I actually never saw her crying... I was never with her.. I only saw her once when she was a baby..I was busy with work.. And for Aoi.. She has been putting too much stress on her.. I guess its natural.. She is just a child..' She fell asleep. I pick her up and get back in the car. This time Im planning to drive the car to not to crush on anything again. ''We will have to have a talk.'' Aoi smirks ''Yeah.  She has been a brat-'' I look at her coldly ''I meant you and me. Not about her.'' She looks at me suprisedly but than she smiles ''Sure honey~'' 'She is trying to cover it up.. but its not gonna work.' 

        We come home,I put her in bed and put blanket on her. I go back to living room,next to Aoi ''Now. Tell me. Who is the man that was in the same room as you?'' Her eyes gets widened.. ''I-i dont know what you are talking about honey-'' she smiles. I look at her coldy ''I SAID WHO IS IT!?'' She gets angry ''THE BRAT TOLD YOU,DIDNT SHE!?'' I can feel that my blood is boiling.. ''SO IT IS TRUE AFTER ALL! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN CHEATING?!'' She steps back.. ''H-honey..''.. she stays quiet ''You are blaming me!? you were never with me! I felt lonely! what did you expect!? I was all alone with the brat!'' My eyes gets widened.. ''Thats true.. what i did was not right.. But i was working hard for us! FOR OUR FAMILY! AND (Y/N) IS NOT A BRAT SHE IS OUR DAUGHTER'' She looks at me ''Who said she is your child?..'' I freeze up in shock..

~~~~Your POV~~~~

   What i heard.. is true?.. I hide behind the wall.. ''Papa is not my papa?..'' I start to cry again... Why does it have to be me?.. Does this fate hate me?..



   ''I already lost the game...''



...I cry more as i hide my face...


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