Enter the Magic Shop

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Notes: So recently, I've had the worst week and then burst into tears yesterday when I listened to Magic Shop. Turns out, this week had been bad for almost all of my friends as well. This is how I imagine our boys would take care of us. It's a little out of my comfort zone, I'm not the best at writing fluff (I'm not the best at writing in general), but here you go! Hope you enjoy!

 It's a little out of my comfort zone, I'm not the best at writing fluff (I'm not the best at writing in general), but here you go! Hope you enjoy!

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It had officially been the worst week of your life. It had seemed to go on and on, one disaster after the next, happening back to back. God definitely had it out for you this week. Monday had started off okay, until you left your apartment. What was supposed to have been a sunny day led to sudden downpours and you were wearing a white shirt. Upon reaching the office, the coffee machine had exploded and your previously white (see-through, at that point) shirt had turned a splotchy brown. Tuesday, your computer broke down and your 25-page proposal for your client had been, unbelievably and shockingly, erased. Wednesday, the printer malfunctioned and broke right as you were printing an important document to submit. Yesterday, your apartment had flooded, and you had to fork over a couple thousand dollars you didn't have, to get it fixed. Today had been the worst day of all. A friend had created unnecessary and mind numbing drama, your boss had decided that your rewritten proposal wasn't good enough and you had to listen to an hour lecture about how he expected more from you, and while at lunch, your high heel had broken, snapping clean and twisting your ankle in the process. At this point, you couldn't wait until 7 to get home, eat some ice cream and cry in bed.

At 4:45 you got a text message from Jungkook, Noona, are you coming over after work?

Every Friday you went over to the boys' tiny, four-bedroom, apartment. In this big city away from your hometown, they had become your family. Your best friends. Seeing them always brightened your day, but recently they had been very busy. They were gearing up to release their album and, in that hassle, it had been a full week since you had seen them last. Today, however, you didn't want to see anyone. You figured you wouldn't be good company, especially because a mental breakdown was imminent.

No, Kookie, not today. I'm really tired. Maybe next week.Honestly, you were just going to go home, get into some sweats and cry a river.

Jungkook knew you well. In the group of the seven and you, he was your best friend. So that text threw him off. He knew that something had gone wrong, and he also knew that you needed your friends. He came out of his room, his phone in his hand and walked into the living room, kitchen area. Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi were lounging around on the sofa and Jin and Jimin were meddling in the kitchen, figuring out dinner. Namjoon noticed Jungkook walking in and asked, "Kook? What's wrong? Why are you frowning?"

"Noona's not coming over tonight."

"YAHH, why?" Jin yelled from the kitchen, "What's wrong? Is she busy?"

At the yell, Hobi and Taehyung came out from their respective rooms into the living room.

"What's going on? Why is Jin Hyung yelling?" Hobi asked, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

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