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Bone walked into an alleyway only for the important cats in Bloodclan. He jumped on a dumpster and waited.

"Will Brick really take care of those kits? We haven't seen her in a while, wonder what she's been up to"

Bone looked up when he heard claws scraping the ground.

"Hi Scourge"

"You're here early, did you already find some kits?"

"Yeah but i'll be collecting them in a few days"

"What do you mean?" Scourge asked raising an eyebrow.

"The mother will be giving her kits to me in a couple of days but don't worry about her escaping, this week patrol  will be frequent by the two-leg home's"

"If you say so..." Scourge said as he sat down in the middle of the alleyway.

"Have you seen Brick? I haven't seen her in a while"

"No I haven't but she has to come today or i'll send a patrol team out," Scourge said.

"Scourge? Bone?" A voice said causing the two toms to jump.

"Brick! Where have you been!? I have important news to tell you!" Scourge said.

"Hold your tongue Scourge, I have to tell you something" Brick said laying down.

"What is so important?" Scourge asked.

"I'm pregnant and I have to step out of Bloodclan for a while," Brick said.

"Why do you have to stay out of Bloodclan?" Scourge asked.

"You made a rule that if food is low we can eat any kits that are newborns" Brick sighed.

"I made that rule?!" Scourge asked looking at Bone.

"Yeah you did"

"Oh. I'm sorry Brick I guess I made that rule when I to um....being leader" scourge said looking down.

"What did you have to tell me?" Brick asked.

"It won't matter now but I was hoping you could watch some kits for me?"

"Yikes! Umm, i'm leaving tomorrow morning but I could watch them tonight?"

"What?! Tomorrow?! I won't get them by tonight!"

"Well I don't know what you're going to do but don't go on a killing spree like you always do when your mad *cough* every day *cough*," Brick said.


"If I watch the kits they will start talking about catnip and other stuff we don't talk about" Bone laughed.

"So I have to watch them?"

"Yeah but you can handle it!" Bone said jumping down and licking Scourge's head.

"I know you can" Bone whispered into Scourge's ear then jumped back on the dumpster.

Brick smiled and Bone decided to take a nap.

"I hate you guys," Scourge said.

"Yeah sure but if we died right now you would probably be freaking out!" Brick laughed.

"No, I wouldn't...WAIT A MINUTE!" Scourge yelled jumping up and facing Brick.

"Who is the father?" Scourge asked.

"Ummm I can't tell you" Brick sighed.


"You might kill me," Brick said getting up.

"You don't get to leave if you don't TELL ME!" Scourge yelled and stopped his one white paw on the hard cement floor.

"Promise me you won't kill me?!"

"I promise"

"Well, you know how your siblings visited a couple of weeks ago? I mated with your brother but only cause I can't have kits with.... she-cats. I'm dating Sharpclaw, Scourge i'm....a....she-cat lover"

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