After: Chapter 10- Cause We Don't Know When To Quit

Start from the beginning

With that, Patrick took the knife and sank the tip into Pete's leg.

Pete screamed as the knife pierced his flesh, although there was still no emotion behind the scream, as if was just on instinct rather than actual agony. Pete began to lash out towards the knife, attempting to pull it out, but the distraction had given Patrick enough time to push himself to his feet and swiftly move to the other side of the room, far away from Pete; Pete viciously pulled out the knife that was embedded into his leg, grunting as he did so, and started to slowly stand up as his body healed the injury.

Patrick felt fresh blood run down his lips, and realised it was his own where he had bitten down with his fangs.

Under normal circumstances, Patrick might have cringed away from the thought of his own fangs, except now, his mind was simply a whirlwind of panic. If I can't figure out a way to stop him without killing him, we'll all die.


Hearing his name, Patrick spun towards the familiar voice that had yelled it; Joe's voice came out forced and hoarse, but still full of concern and hysteria. "You have to stop him!"

The blood had stopped flowing from Pete's leg, and he was halfway into a standing position.

"Yeah, any suggestions on how exactly I do that?" Patrick called back, and edge of annoyance in his voice. The only way to fully stop Pete is to kill him...Patrick shoved the thought deep to the back of his mind- he'd only kill Pete as a last resort. There has to be some other way to stop Thomas's compulsion...

Pete was now fully stood up and looked ready to strike out again. He began to make his way towards Patrick once more.

"You're a vampire too!" Joe shouted again, to which Patrick shot him a look. "You also have powers! Use them against Thomas's!"
Are you actually fucking serious Joe? "Does it look like I know what I'm doing?!" Patrick snapped.

Pete moved closer.

"Just do it Patrick!" This time, it was Andy that shouted.
Oh yeah, you two are so helpful...But with both of them attached to the wall, unable to move, it seemed that they were both pretty helpless and not able to aid him. Despite Patrick wasn't fully sure what to do, he knew that both of them were right. He had to try.

He'd seen a few vampires done it before- Patrick raised one of his hands outwards in front of him, as if attempting to block something while trying to connect to some sort of power inside of him and concentrate. How the hell do vampires even do this? Pete was almost upon him, his fangs bared and sharp to the point and prepared to strike out and Patrick again, when he felt it- Patrick wasn't exactly sure what it was, but it felt like waves of power flowing through every nerve in his body like a shock of electricity, flowing towards his hand that was stretched out in Pete's direction.

And that's when Pete stopped dead in his tracks.

Patrick felt his hand pulse with telekinetic power, keeping Pete in place, who was still snarling and growling as he tried to fight against it. A smile of triumph was about to break out on Patrick's face until he felt the power slowly fading from his hand, weakening, as Pete was breaking through like a wild animal being restrained. Patrick could feel himself losing hold of the invisible force that was stopping Pete from killing him. Crap. Patrick mind felt like thousands of alarms going off at once, telling him to act, fast, before he fully lost the hold he had on Pete, who was still trying to battle against Patrick's weak power.

Without thinking, Patrick rushed over to Pete, mastering all the strength he could to keep Pete in place with his powers- before Pete could react, Patrick hit Pete over the side of the head.

Fall Out Boy- A Little Less Sixteen Candles Untold (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now