Chapter Twenty-Six: A Cold Return

Start from the beginning

"Now?! B-But it's already late!" Izuku said.

"Your powers are too many, Izuku. Which means I have to teach you how to use those properly! Or else, you'll unable to control them all at once, which will cause to your own death." Togikama coldly said.

"D-Death?" Izuku uttered.

"Now! Let's begin the painful exercises!" Togikama said with a devil's smile. The training lasted for six hours which ends their training in the morning. Togikama and Izuku now can be seen grilling barbecue and cooling vegetables at the peak of Mt. Fuji.

"Togikama, thank you for teaching me how to use all of the skills that I granted from eating the Gura Gura No Mi." Izuku said.

"Now, tell me. What will you do now? Return to school? Tell your classmates about what happened to you on how you got tall, muscular, sexy, and handsome? Especially, more powerful than all the heroes and villains!" Togikama said.

"No. I'll still train myself, Togikama. I'll only return... once I can already see everyone face to face. After many people doubted on me, bullied me, destroyed me, insulting me, I will show to them what am I capable of!" Izuku said.

"That's what I like from you. You have finally changed after six hours of training!" Togikama said.

"By the way, can you help me where I can train my powers and skills? Since this power of mine can cause gigantic problems towards everyone." Izuku said.

"Go to Egypt. I'll call someone there to teach you how to do Martial Arts, the ancient and the finest type, and how to strengthen your mentality." Togikama said.

"T-Togikama, I don't know what to say but... Thank you. Thank you for all of these. If I didn't fight so hard against my coma in my sleeping state, I could've ended really dead as time goes one." Izuku said as tears fall from his face.

"Come on. Fate has some plans for you. As you return to this country, let everyone know, that aside from the future greatest hero that has returned to their land, he is also known to be "The World's Strongest Man!" Togikama said.

"I-I'm the World's Strongest Man?" Izuku asked.

"Let's eat now before the food gets colder! Thirty minutes before seven! Hurry!" Togikama said.

"R-Right! How dare am I forget my food." Izuku nervously said and now the two took their breakfast buffet. Back at the hospital, Inko cried as she saw her son's room all messed up and her son can't be found anywhere.

"Izuku! Where is he...?!" Inko cried while hugging Izuku's ripped patient dress.

"What?! Planet Uranus was slashed into two?!" Momo asked in shock after seeing the news of a planet destroyed by an unknown force who is known to be Izuku's doing.

"Seven planets remained to revolve around the Solar System. What a scary event." Momo's mom said. A call from Momo's phone can be heard and she quickly answers it.

"Hello? Mrs. Midoriya? Yes. WHAT?!" Momo asked in shock and now hangs the call.

"Wh-What happened, Momo my dear?" Momo's mom asked.

"I-Izuku isn't in the hospital anymore! And his patient clothes were all ripped like he was attacked or what!" Momo cried and now bawled all around the table.

"Honey, calm down. We'll find Izuku with the help of my friends who work in the police stations of Japan." Momo's mom said.

"Th-Thank you." Momo said while crying.

'Where did you go, Izuku? Who did this to you? I won't forgive who took you away!' Momo thought while crying.

"Midoriya is gone?!" Tanjiro asked in shock.

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