chapter 4

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( saturday )
| Madison's pov |
once we all greeted each other we hung out and got to know each other a bit more. it started getting hotter and hotter by the second so we all decided to swim. luckily Bailey told me to pack in my bathing suit for moments like this. we all got dressed and i put on my favorite bathing suit. i walk outside and see everyone's already swimming. suddenly everyone stops and stares at me.
Mattia : WOW.
Bailey : yuhhh , get it sis !
Madison : oh stop, y'all are too much !
Madison: omg yes !!

| Mattia's pov |
me, the boys and Bailey are just chilling in the pool waiting for madi to come join us. she eventually comes out and geeez. she looks so beautiful ! i mean look at those curves !
Mattia : WOW.
Bailey : yuhhh , get it sis !
Madison : oh stop , y'all are too much !

the girls wanted to take pictures and asked me to take pictures of them. i took this as a chance to get a picture with Madison. once they were done taking pictures, i asked Bailey to take pictures of me and Madison and to my surprise she said yes.

| third person pov |
once they were done taking pictures, they just enjoyed the hangout. everyone was having fun in the pool and later on Mattia ordered pizza. the pizza arrived and everyone ate while watching netflix. it was getting a bit late and Mattia didn't want Bailey and Madison driving out so late. he said they could stay over with the boys. Mattia gave Madison some shorts and a hoodie to wear for the night. he was about to offer Bailey some too but before he could Kairi offered already.

| Madi's pov |
Mattia gave me a shorts and one of his hoodies to wear for the night and i gladly accepted.
Madison : thank you Mattia for the sweats and hoodie and thank you for letting us stay.
Mattia : no problem cutie.
Bailey : yeah, thanks Mattia and thanks for the clothes Kairi. * blushes *
Mattia : don't sweat it.

i could notice Alejandro got a bit annoyed when Mattia called me "cutie" and offered me clothes. i wonder what's up with him. we all hung out in Mattia's room, Kairi and Bailey were making tiktoks. Alejandro, Alvaro and Roshaun were playing video games. Mattia was sitting next to me scrolling through ig and i decided to post.

a/n : i know this chapter sucks, it didn't go as i planned it :((. i hope you enjoyed it though. have a good day/night :))💞 .

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