Not me, but still you.

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It started when I was in grade seven,
your looks are too good for an eleven.
I'm too young to stop my emotions,
that's why I'm having hard time finding solutions.

Stares. stares. stares. That's what you always got from me,
I'm too shy to talk to you, I'm not friendly.
You're too far away
And too far to be reached.

During 8th grade, you're starting to notice my existence.
And that's how my words started to become sentences.
A spark of hope flickered in my system,
and my heart beats with abnormal rythm.

But my heart sank, with the news I heard.
In a snap, my heart was shattered.
This situation always crossed my mind.
And I badly need destructions to unwind.

I tried to forget him and focused on studying.
No more staring, and just plain talking.
I thought it already ended.
But one wide grin from him, and again, my feelings started.

Grade 10, last year for Junior High.
I didn't confess and burried my feelings.with a sigh.
Envying your love, but still happines for you.
It might not be me, but it's always you.


Paanong drama?
Tamang practice sa english.
I hope walang grammarly wrong.

PS. Just correct me if something's wrong, that would be a great help :)


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