doesnt smell like caca to me señor.

Start from the beginning

I go to Sams and I bathroom I brush my teeth then go downstairs I see Tara sitting down on the couch as I sit next to her "morning Tara ready?" I asked as she nods "yep. ready like the spaghetti!" she said as I giggle and raise my eyebrow "haha okay?" I said as he giggled as I see Jack and Sam Coming downstairs "we're ready" Sam said as Tara and I got up.

We all walked to the car and started driving to Finns house. We picked him up as Sam started taking us to the place he was talking about an abandoned place he said that many people had mentioned that it smelled really bad.

As we arrived we saw this sewer tunnel thing. No wonder it smelled like shit.

We all got out of the car as I placed the camera on the car as we all got on a position to make the intro. "What's sup guys it's Sam and Colby" i said and looked over at Sam "and today we're exploring this abandoned hotel. We have heard some rumors that this place for some reason smelled like shit. And now we had figured out why. There is a Sewer. And I guess we can explore that too." Sam looked at me as I nodded slowly at the camera and began to talk. "So we'll be going to the sewer not to far tho cause it stinks. Then when we finish exploring the Sewer we'll go to the hotel. oh and by the way we have guests!"

Sam nodded "we have Tara, Jack and Finn here! Tara as you see is are new roommate and Jack is are cHiLd, and Finn is Jacks friend he will be joining us for today." Sam said as I formed my fingers like a gun then clicking my tongue "let's get on to the video then." I said as I cut off the camera.

I started recording as We all walked into the sewer Sam, Finn and I walked in we looked in the back of us to see Tara and Jack outside. "Aren't you guys coming in?" Finn asked as Jack shook his head "uh uh. it's grey water." "What the hell is grey water?" Finn asked as Jack looked at him "It's basically... PISS AND SHIT. So I'm just telling you, your splashing around in millions and gallons of pee." Jack said as I pointed the camera at them.

Sam let out a Small giggled at what they were playfully arguing about. "doesn't smell like cAcA to me señor" Finn said as Jack shook his head "o-okay I can smell it from here!" "It's probably your breath wafting back to your face." Finns said as Jack took a deep breath "have you ever heard of a staph infection!?" Jack said as Finn grabbed a stick and took out a shirt from the dirty water Jack called grey water. "Oh I'll show you and staph infection" finn said as he threw the shirt to Jack.

Jack took a step back jumping a bit as he scream with a high pitched voice.

Tara rolled her eyes playfully and laughed "alright jack has a point. I'm not going inside the sewer stepping on shit and piss" Sam and I nodded as we got out Finn shrugged getting out as well. As we got out I pointed the camera at us "so I guess we won't be going to the sewer anymore. Let's go to the hotel then" I said as Sam nodded I pointed the camera to the hotel as we all started walking towards it.

Skipping time

"Adios" Sam and I blew a kiss to the camera i turned the camera off as we walked to the car as I started driving back home. Sam looked at the back to look at Finn, Jack and Tara "you guys did well! you made the video funny and interesting" he said to Jack and Finn as they both giggled.

I started driving us back until Jack mentioned something "hey um... I was wondering if you can drop me and Finn on the park" jack asked as Sam shook his head "alone? uh uh not happening. sorry Jacky." Sam said shrugging as Tara sighed "if you want I can be with them?" I nodded "yeah. I mean Tara can take care of them. I mean their old enough anyways." I said as Sam shook his head "iTs dangerous!" "Sam it's not such a big deal." I said as Sam sighed and nodded "okay fine! just don't take stuff from strangers or anything okay?" Sam said looking at the back to look at Finn and Jack. Jack nodded "oKaY-" Sam looked over at Tara "to you to child!" Tara looked at him weirdly "im 19 years old tho" Sam shrugged "I don't care you are still a child to me. Don't take things for strangers. Or anything dangerous" Tara, Jack and Finn nodded I drove to the park, as when we arrived I pulled over and sighed.

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