This was them. I couldn't believe it. I felt my eyes water as my vision was flooded with the tears that threatened to fall down my cheeks.

The threat was taken and the tears fell as I covered my mouth to keep myself from sobbing.

I could finally see my family.

"How.... how long ago..." I tried to say, but my tears and quiet sobs wouldn't allow me to finish my sentence.

Lellal figured out what I was trying to ask.

"This was taken two years ago, before I left to find you, big sister." Lellal answered.

I didn't hold it back any longer. I let out all the relief and sadness I've held back for too long.

Everyone gathered around me as I cried, holding me, hugging me, whispering kind words to me. It made me feel so much better  to know that my family was still alive out there.

We stayed like that for a little over an hour, until I finally let out all of the feelings I've held back for who knows how long.

I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and looked back up at Lellal and the picture that projected over the pendent.

"The other two.... the little boy and girl. What are their names?" I asked.

Lellal pointed to each of the children.

"This is our younger brother, his name Reilo. And the baby girl here is Nalira." He introduced.

"Nalira, that's an Altean name." Allura said.

"Yes. Father wanted an Altean name for at least one of his children. Lellal is also an Altean name. It gives us a piece of the heritage we could never expreience. Names of honor and pride." Lellal said.

Allura and Coran smiled, "That sounds like something Cires would do."

Lellal put the pendent away and kentl down in front of me. He grabbed my hands and smiled.

"They've been waiting for a very long time to see you again, big sister. They never gave up on the day that you would fulfill your promise and come back to free the Teshirians from our grandfather's reign." He said.

I smiled and without warning, I pulled him into a hug, falling to my knees om the floor. I held my brother tightly, repeating my thanks to him.

"Thank you, Lellal." I said, "Thank you so much for showing me this."

He hugged me back and when we parted, he looked as if he was about to cry. But he held in his tears as the two of us sat back down om the couch.

"Now, what happened to you and your parents?" Shiro asked, "How did you find us?"

"Before that, I haven't even thought to ask for your names." Lellal said, "I only know the names of my sister and Princess Allura."

Everyone fumbled of balance for a second, finally realizing that they never introduced themselves.

"Right, well, I'm Takashi Shirogane." Shiro said extending his hand to Lellal who gratefully shook it.

"Shiro is an older brother to me." I added, "He raised me since I was twelve years old."

"Oh. Thank you for protecting my sister for all these years." Lellal said.

Shiro chuckled and then gestured to Keith, "I'm not the only one who can take the credit. Keith here helped raise her long before I took her in."

Keith shuddered under the sudden attention, but quickly regained his composure.

"Thank you as well, Keith." Lellal thanked.

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