Donna let out another deep sigh. I look over to her seeing a longing expression stuck on her face. Whenever she's like this it's best to let her sulk for a little bit. Brushing it off, I pace over to my mirror, picking up some mascara and applying it just as Donna let out a third deep sigh.

I look at her through the mirror, still applying my makeup, "Donna, are you okay?" With no time to spare she jumps up from my bed, and comes over to Jackie and I.

"Well.. since you guys asked, Eric has been acting really weird since he got a new job. It's like he doesn't have time for me anymore. I invited him over tonight and he said he had to work," She purses her lips, stuck in deep thought.

I complete the finishing touches of my makeup before turning around to face Donna. Eric and her had a situationship going on, but they weren't exactly official yet even though she's kissed him twice already.

"Well.. if you really wanna see him then go to his job," I thought out loud, thinking of what I'd do if I had a boyfriend. Jackie emerges from my closet with a white cropped playboy T-shirt.

"No, Donna you have to make him beg for your time and if he doesn't, then he doesn't deserve you," She speaks proudly, handing me the shirt she had picked out seconds earlier.

I pull it over my head, making sure not to get my earrings stuck in my hair. "Don't listen to Jackie, she's dating Kelso," Donna laughs, my comment cheering her up a little.

Jackie gasps, clearly offended as she whacks me in the arm. It didn't hurt and I had Hyde to thank for that. After punching me in the arm so many times the pain just subsides.

The three of us leave to my back yard, immediately seeing Hyde and Fez waiting there with a Keg as we enter. Moments after Kelso joins us wearing a toga and looking like a complete dope.

"Toga party baby!" Everyone snickers watching his facial expression change when he saw nobody else was dressed up. Hyde patted him on the shoulder taking a gulp from his beer can.

Kelso passes out four more beers with a sad expression stuck to his face. I crack mine open, looking around as random people started pouring into the garden. It didn't surprise me that people were already showing up, knowing Kelso he probably invited the entire school already.

Fez immediately made his way over to some ditzy brunettes in the corner of the room attempting to make a move.

"I think I'm gonna go see Eric," Donna concludes after downing an entire can of beer. I nod, watching her nearly race out of the yard.

Hyde perches in the corner of the yard, alone and analyzing everyone with a beer in his hand. I look over to Jackie only so see her face being inhaled by Kels, ew. I shake my head, making the choice to approach Hyde.

Hyde watches me walk up to him, immediately voicing his inner thoughts, "You know Kay, you can't listen to the government. They're out to get us, man, and you can't listen to that propaganda crap. Only—"

I abruptly finish Hyde's sentence, "Led Zeppelin," having heard the same rant from him over the past 10 years. Although the wording always changes, the message is still the same. He nods his head, sighing in appreciation as he throws an arm around my neck.

"Wanna get wasted?" I hum in approval, finding the feeling of him around me to be weirdly nice.

Hyde and I have always had a teasing friendship since we were kids, but ever since we hit the seventies my feelings towards him have changed. In what way, I'm not sure yet. I just know whenever I'm around him I don't completely hate it anymore.

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