One Step At A Time

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- Andy's POV -

I woke up, I didn't know how much later. All I knew for sure was that it was at least a day or so since the ambush. I tried to sit up but, was stopped by a hand on my chest.

Lis: "Don't try to move. They have you wrapped up like a mummy from the chest down to your waist.  You got pretty beat up out there...."

I was more than relieved to see a familiar face...if I'd been honest back then, I'd admit that I was even more relived to see it was hers. I let out a breath that at least sounded like a small laugh.

Andy: "You know, I would've died if you hadn't been there. What are you, some kinda angel in disguise?"

She sat down in the chair next to the bed with what smelled like a strong cup of coffee, thick bandages on the right side of her head.

Lis: "Believe me...I'm no angel."

It took me a second to see that they'd shaved the whole right side to patch her up.

Lis: "You don't need to keep staring, I know it looks weird"

Andy: "Actually, you look good with a half-buzz. I like it, if that counts for anything."

I could swear I saw the lightest little flush of pink on her cheeks.

Lis: " does. Hey, you have anyone to look after you? Like, 'round the clock kinda look after you?"

Andy: "Nope, no one. If I know Jake he's not leaving Alisha's side for a second. Why?"

Lis: "No reason, just...ya know, if you want someone to help you...I'd be happy to help. Least I can do considering what you did for me."

Andy: " long were we out?"

Lis: "Uh, I was down for a day and a half, you were down for almost three."

Andy: "Jesus. Who else made it out?"

Her face dropped completely.

Lis: "Andy, we're the only ones left. Just the four of us. The medic working on us is a give-in from the other guys."

Andy: "Everyone's gone? Even the boss?"

Lis: "Even the boss. And Adam."

Andy: "How, he was driving the jeep?!"

Lis: "Sniper, gone before he even knew what hit him."

Andy: "So what now?"

Lis: "Now? We're on our own."

- Small Timeskip, a few days later -

It'd been about three or four days since I was released. I had nowhere to go but, Lis had connections. Well, more or less.

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