The letter

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(Dibs POV)
The morning started out as any normal day but something seemed odd. Dib got out of bed and headed down stairs to hear the door bell ring."I got it!!" Dib said as he rushed to the door. When he opens it he seen an envelope on the door step with big dark letters saying "TO DIB FROM ZIM". It seemed odd to get a letter form Zim knowing that Zim is the person he hates the most. As Dib walked to the kitchen Professor Memebrane stoped him and pulled him aside to talk to him. "Son I've have been thinking you are always sad and not really up to do anything but chase ur green friend all the time. I'm getting suspicious about you and him. So tell me are you and green friend dating? Don't lie to me son you can tell me anything." Dib froze with shock,how could his dad think he's in love with his own enemy!?

"N-no why would u think that dad heh t-that's crazy right ahehe...!" Dib stutterd as he told his dad in a shaky voice. "Oh ok son thanks for telling me I guess my theroy was wrong heh how silly of me"Professor Membrane said as he walked down to his lab. Dib was confused but surged it off and walked into the kitchen to open the letter he got form zim. He sat down to read what the letter said.
(Dear Dib)
(I'm am writing to you to you to ask if you will do me a favor for me.)Dib stoped and thought that this was a joke then continued to read.(Will you help me fix up my base because some random guy drove his car straight into my house and the computer said it will need some supplies to help fix the base so yeah I need help -zim) Dib looked down at the table in disbelief. "ZIM NEEDS MY HELP!?" He thought in his mind. Skool was gonna start soon so he grab his bag and called out for Gaz so they can head to school.

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