part 3; chapter twelve

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It was a struggle to get to the wreck. The waves were ruthless. They crashed against the skimmer, threatening to throw it right into the depths of the sea. You were soaked to the bone and shivering from the cold as you crawled into the wreckage. Finn had a bad feeling about the entire place, and the feeling only grew when he heard the sound of clashing lightsabers. 

"It's Ren," he said, and you wasted no time to run up to the top of the wreckage. The water rained down on the surface. It was foggy and grey; you almost felt blind. "Rey! Rey!" He ran faster than you could as he went straight to Ren and Rey. 

"No!" she screamed, throwing her hand out. Finn flew backwards, his back skimming the ground. He let out a cry of pain and you rushed to his side. 

"Finn!" you said, your hands on his shoulders. You helped him up. Jannah knelt behind him, her eyes wide on the fight in front of her. As a wave washed over their section of the wreck, they jumped out of sight, landing on some other chunk of metal and steel. "Finn, we need to go." 

"Not without Rey," he said, shaking his head. He got up and ran. 

You grabbed his hand tightly. He nearly pulled your injured arm completely out of socket as you held on as tight as you could. You cried out, "Finn, no! Don't---"

"I can't leave her!" he screamed. 

"We can't follow them!" Jannah was in front of him, pushing his chest back gently. "We can't!" 

"Rey!" Finn cried out. He dropped your hand and you managed to get back on your feet. You stood in front of him now, your hands on his arms. 

"We have to go back," you said, shaking your head. "Come on, Finn." You kept your arm around him as Jannah took you back to the skimmer. Thankfully, it hadn't yet been torn apart by the cold waves that were only growing stronger. You helped Finn onto the skimmer. He was trembling, and you were surprised that you weren't too. Jannah held out her hand to help you back onto the skimmer, and---

And then you felt it. You felt her.

"___, let's go," Jannah said, tugging gently on your hand. "C'mon!"

Finn's eyes met yours as the rush of pain went over you. You looked at your friend and choked out, "Leia."

And then a wave crashed over you, washing you underneath the water and underneath the wreckage. Finn screamed your name, and all you could feel was the absence of Leia, so real inside of you that it was like you were standing right next to her, holding her hand as she went to rest.

*  *  *

Finn and Jannah pulled you out of the water. Your head rolled on Finn's shoulder as he pulled your lower half out. He laid you back on the wreckage. The skimmer had been destroyed after the wave crashed into you. You were dropped on the flat surface and Finn worked on pressing his hands at the center of your chest, trying to work the saltwater out of your mouth. It trickled out until a long string of coughs burst out of your chest. Finn was vaguely aware of the Falcon behind him. 

"Is she alright?" As soon as it opened, Poe was running out of it, panicked. "Finn! Is she okay?!"

Finn lifted you off of the wreck. You were limp in his arms as he turned. "She's okay. She's breathing, she's just---"

"Oh jeez---" Poe took you from Finn and you coughed again. Your eyes fluttered open and you looked at his face. "It's okay, you're okay."

"Poe---" you wanted to tell him, but you were exhausted and your throat burned. 

"Get some rest," he said, bringing you onto the Falcon, "and I'll wake you when we get there."

But Leia, you wanted to say, but you couldn't find your voice anymore.

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